
The BBC’s “Seats Changed” map is wild. You can now walk from the coast of North Devon up to Bicester and then down to Eastbourne without ever leaving newly Lib Dem seats. Tired: The Blue Wall Wired: The YELLOW SNAKE
Serious question to help an outsider understand your politics better. The Yellow Wave, or in this case Yellow Snake. Would be the equivalent of an American Blue Wave? Because how British politics does tend to reflect attitudes and changes beyond the British Isles.
Kind of and kind of not - this is definitely what (as I understand it) would be called a "wave" election in the US - a revolt against the Conservatives from the centre, left and far right simultaneously. We have a semi-viable third party aside the Conservatives and Labour, the Liberal Democrats...
...who tend to benefit from big anti-incumbent swings. In this case they've gone from winning about 10 seats (=districts I guess) to 72 - a huge increase, and the map is showing unbroken chains of seats which are now Yellow (their colour). These all were Conservative-controlled until yesterday..
...and they're in suburban and rural parts of southern England, where Labour have never had much of a stronghold electorally, so when there's an anti-Tory surge this is where they benefit. The snake is me being silly :) Hope that helps!