
The BBC’s “Seats Changed” map is wild. You can now walk from the coast of North Devon up to Bicester and then down to Eastbourne without ever leaving newly Lib Dem seats. Tired: The Blue Wall Wired: The YELLOW SNAKE
Ed Davey will be making that journey on a unicycle next election
Sod it, he should do the unicycle victory tour now.
I was reminded of the Very Hungry Caterpillar but I can't decide which way round it is
I created an accidental cursed image there, sorry
You can walk from Eastbourne to Berwick without going through a single tory seat!
Ed is rollerskating it as we speak.
Snaaake, it's a snaaake, look out it's a snaaa-aaake!
Desired: The Green Field *sighs* Someday.
I am so very happy about this! It gives me hope. We’re in the middle of a horrible Joe Biden is old campaign even though he’s been a wonderful POTUS.
Ed Davey should cover this as the victory single
And you can walk from Eastbourne to Berwick-on-Tweed without touching Tory seats.
(and you only need touch two to go from Land's End to John O'Groats)
Serious question to help an outsider understand your politics better. The Yellow Wave, or in this case Yellow Snake. Would be the equivalent of an American Blue Wave? Because how British politics does tend to reflect attitudes and changes beyond the British Isles.
Kind of and kind of not - this is definitely what (as I understand it) would be called a "wave" election in the US - a revolt against the Conservatives from the centre, left and far right simultaneously. We have a semi-viable third party aside the Conservatives and Labour, the Liberal Democrats...
...who tend to benefit from big anti-incumbent swings. In this case they've gone from winning about 10 seats (=districts I guess) to 72 - a huge increase, and the map is showing unbroken chains of seats which are now Yellow (their colour). These all were Conservative-controlled until yesterday..
...and they're in suburban and rural parts of southern England, where Labour have never had much of a stronghold electorally, so when there's an anti-Tory surge this is where they benefit. The snake is me being silly :) Hope that helps!
One reason why the Tories lost is that some of their voters went for the new Reform party. I think generally a lot of people are fed up with the two biggest parties, which is reflected in the results being all over the place. We desperately need electoral reform.
Not sure in Great Britain. But I do know in the US. The reform that is needed is the ability of a candidate, not necessarily just an elected official. To generate large amounts of cash, that can then be laundered for their benefit. The ones who make the most money being the accessories people.
Bear in mind that you aren't the only ones stuck with an awful electoral system. Labour have got in with only 34% of the vote, like someone winning the Electoral College while losing the popular vote. There was a big revolt against the Tories, yes, but in a multi-party system, it looks different.
If only they'd won north Cotswolds I could link up orange Cheltenham and Tewkesbury to the rest of it TBF the north Cotswolds majority was decimated 🙂
Yeah, it is a grim reminder that we need a better voting system so such an unpopular party doesn't win a disproportionate number of seats again.
I am not a Lib Dem (and know this is a joke reply sorry) but this election they are literally the only party to have got almost the same proportion of seats as votes! (about 12%)
For instance. My choices would stop at Labour but start with the leftist parties. Tories, LibDem and the fash can all get in the same right wing bin.
Yeah, I'm not talking about vote percentage, which is also a terrible system. I'm thinking something closer to democratic like single transferable vote. The Tories and Yellow Tories are hated so they wouldn't feature on most ballots.
Yeah, you’re right. They got 12% of the vote nationally, which should give them about 78 seats, but their utterly disproportional representation gives them *checks notes* 72. This is completely unlike, say, Labour who have, like three quarters of the seats on a third of the vote. Very maths.
It's almost like counting vote percentages over the whole country give no clear indication of local mp support.
I think that's good?
I would say certainly better!
Friend, that is definitely a dragon’s head on the left! A gold dragon, perhaps?