
Israel learned nothing from the US failure to achieve its objectives in the wars that followed 9/11. Both timesthe conventionally vastly more powerful actors found themselves anticipated and overcome by much more seemingly weak non-state adversaries. There is no surprise here, only misery.
Counterpoint: Bibi learned that an unjust, brutal war after an astonishing attack at home buys a corrupt leader 6 more years of rule in a democracy with a nationalism problem
And he learned it so well I have no hope for an Israel we can support to win out
I think you overestimate Netanyahu. He's perfectly willing to try to milk this crisis, but I don't think he's been more than in-the-moment reactive for yerars.
Talked w Israelí friends Friday night & they are convinced that Bibi caused this & will ride it all the way down. All the IDF is doing is exactly what he needs to maintain the at.
Could be. My Israeli colleagues don't see it that way, quite, but I'm a long way away from there and do not have any special insight.