
before you decide you don't want to vaccinate your children you should have to take a 4 hour cemetery tour with me where i point out every tiny little headstone of a child that died from a preventable disease and is buried with their parents who would have done anything to save them
now if you look to your left you can see that this family, like many others, had so many children die so quickly that they built a single shared memorial to all their dead children. where are you going, we're not done
come on, isn't this what you want??? this could be you!
My uncle used to take me and my cousins on cemetery tours to learn family history and seeing SO many infant graves really stuck with me. Like seeing proof that my great-grandma, who cooked my breakfast that day, "had two kids" but ACTUALLY had five, but only two lived past the age of 3 changed me.
my aunt had a tiny headstone in the baby graves section of the cemetery for a child she lost very young she never had any other children and i remember how inconsolable she was for weeks on end when that cemetery ran out of adult plots and dug up the baby graves without any notification
They did what now?
they had stopped burying children in a special area of the cemetery at some point in the 1940s. Somewhere in the late '80s they unceremoniously dug that section up with bulldozers and made a mass grave in a far corner for whatever remains they uncovered.