
I still think we're going to win this election and it's not ultimately going to be that close
Two months to labor day and from there there's two more months of the silly season including debate, the 538 polling average hasn't even gotten to April's margins lol
You'd round up to a two point bump but its not actually two points yet
That's what everyone is losing their goddamn minds about, a two point debate polling bump. That's what it is right now. That's what people are losing their goddamn minds over. Its been five days. We've had polls, including day of.
The (not even that old, common for the most reliable voters) line was that the election didn't start till the World Series was over. The World Series is in November now and no one watches baseball anymore, but also fucks sake, it's July, 95% of the country is just sorting out their charcoal choice.
and anyone who tunes in to figure out who’s running hears that it’s the same guys as last time