
a baleful, heavy-lidded sun peering out through last night's haze
I have all these friends who LOVE SUMMER. I still miss the cool grey San Francisco version.
So much. I miss laying in bed and hearing the foghorn as the cool air flowed over me.
I've been REALLY missing those cool foggy days this year (now in my 7th summer in North Carolina). And when you were craving a little bit of summer heat, the East Bay hills were just a quick drive away.
My birthday is in late summer, and I mostly grew up in that area. It rained on my birthday nearly every year when I was a kid. Not so much now, though.
I grew up in New Jersey and it’s too hot (also climate change has made summer moderately worse … so far)
My favorite season is spring - It used to be autumn for the colors, the scent of chimney smoke...until I understood that chimney smoke is not climate-friendly! I try to make every season I'm in my favorite - Might's well 😎
And a plane flying by to complete the establishing shot transition of a cop show.
Mordor is more built-up than I remember.
When I was a kid in Bergen County NJ, I remember my dad talking about the 'great red sky of New York'.