
Okay listen up on Neil Gaiman I'm going to speak to something very specific. All humans who love books or music or media, will encounter a point in time where their beloved, or someone they REALLY love, turns out to be a craptastic or worse person I'm still in 'wait and see' land. BUT BUT BUT BUT
IF your darling turns out to be craptastic you have three choices. You can play 'but the artist is separate from the work' nonsense, meaning you value your CONSUMPTION over harm. You're a shitbird. You can play 'nuh uh' in which case, see above. Or you can throw it into the trash. You can value
what the thing meant to you in the time in place it had value, but YOU THROW IT INTO THE FUCKING TRASH because there's a world, an entire whole ass world of wonderful things made by people who are not abusers and shitbirds. The End. Choose wisely.
lol, aka the entire premise of my new book
There will always be new things to enjoy. Some of them, you'll probably like better. And if there aren't, try making something yourself.
I loved the first Arcade Fire album, but when the allegations broke I made it into a drink coaster.
It took me two times coming across stories of Michael Fassbender abusing his ex and I was like GOODBYE FOREVER. Idk man, I understand taking your time with it. But yes as you said you can value it in the place and time and then you ditch it. It’s not that hard.
I'm just glad I hadn't gotten that tattoo yet.
Fair. But it's a bit too breezy to imply a person can simply replace a, e.g., favorite author for one who hasn't done awful things. Sometimes doing the right thing comes with real costs to ourselves. To paraphrase Kant, doing the right thing when it's easy doesn't matter; it matters when it's hard.