Travels With Brindle, head bimbo at Danceteria

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Travels With Brindle, head bimbo at Danceteria

🪕busker on hiatus 💿Notes From Undergrad now streaming wherever you get music || currently recording a Sparks tribute || she/her || les enfants son grognons
If you think Jaws is scary for not really showing the shark, you should check out spielberg's other films. they don't show the shark at all
Screenshot from an email I sent a mutual peer of Neil Gaiman’s back in Feb of 2021.
I know this isn’t the point, and I believe his victims, but: I’m amused by all the unflattering photos that are running with the Neil Gaiman news.
Neil Gaiman, the guy with bad vibes half the users on here snitch tag anytime they are feeling lonely, proves Bluesky’s power as a crucible that only the most pure big accounts can survive.
Can confirm
I don't remember if she and Gaiman lived here but she was a recognizable figure around Boston back in the day and has a reputation for being a pretty awful person.
I suspect that one of the reasons why I vibe so hard with folk horror is that my parents had some ties to their heritage but raised us Suburban American, and I had such an unstable upbringing that it felt like these stories had a lot to say about why my family turned out like that.
This might be why I don't really like more modern slashers/serial killer/"the monster was ____ from within all along" stuff. It's not just some weird stuff anymore. It's trying to do something, which works fine in some cases, but also just gimme weirdos. Not even gross weirdos, just some weird guys.
It is super weird watching someone you actively dislike get MeTooed
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but don't explain it
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but don't explain it
whichever reporter tried to frame daily naps as a bad thing need to be cancelled and shamed so ferociously that they quit the biz, change their name, and become a goat herder in the Balkans we must be united and merciless in this
Between this and my inability to understand the joke about the tattoo artist and the lady with the twin Elvis tattoos, my preadolescent literal-mindedness may have saved me from bigotry
My response to his statement (you know the one, I’m not going to share it) was “this can’t be true, my friend Jeremy’s dad is a mechanic”
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
Your honor, with all due respect, I got a six pack and nothing to do
Your honor, with all due respect, please tell me why my car is in the front yard and I'm sleeping with my clothes on I came in through the window last night and you're long gone, gone
Clarence Thomas about democracy:
god i just want this to end
I have worked extensively with Chance. In addition to being a good artist, he’s a good person. Throw him some clams.
Hey, We Got To This Point: Opening up 10 commission slots, 70 a pop, stuff looks like this, generally, though I’m adaptable to most styles DMs open on here, other ways to contact me.
Living under an authoritarian regime is corrosive to every single person whether you are a willing conspirator or a victim No one comes out unscathed Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about “The Lives of Others” (2006) I recommend it highly I think I’ll rewatch it this weekend 🎥🍿 💔 ❤️‍🩹
Hi everyone! One *extremely meaningful* thing you can do to fight back is to join library boards. Usually this is an appointed position, not elected. The time commitment for most public library board members is 1-2 hours monthly. I'm a former library director. Ask me anything.
the purpose of a system is not what IT SAYS IT DOES or what you want it to do but what it actually does.
I’ve been thinking about what it ~means that I’m choosing THIS moment to record an album inspired by 1940s pop when history is repeating itself and we’re on the wrong side
Post a frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack if you'd like.
Post a frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack if you'd like.
I can’t believe our pussy hats didn’t work