Trans Commie Scum

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Trans Commie Scum

Voice of the exasperated

Addled by depressive hedonia

Read theory or STFU shared revenge porn of me with Kairi
Ok, so the only drawback with Dahlia so far is that I'm more allergic to her than I expected :/. I'm going to power through it with some Benadryl cream and make my body get used to her. Kind of a big bummer, but I'm determined to get through it.
Dahlia says good morning. She survived her first night in the pen like a champ, but couldn't wait to get back to my lap.
She has a little knit ducky I'm there and a washcloth with her mom's scent in it. But ya, we need more toys. She honestly doesn't seem interested in any of the ones we've got. She just wants to sit in my lap. That's all she cares about.
Dahlia would like the world to know that she does not approve of this whole "sleeping alone bullshit," as she calls it. I don't either, princess, but right now it's the best thing for both of us... If we can actually get some sleep. Unfortunately, my allergies won't allow her in my bed just yet.
I don't think those would be appropriate for my puppy lol
As a big fan of collars, I absolutely know what you mean lol
All dogs are real dogs. But ya, this one is of the canine variety. She's currently sooo sleepy.
I guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.
I'm going to get her one when she's full grown because. I would have picked up a collar today, but I didn't realize this one was so bad. Glad I know now. We'll get a new one tomorrow.
Just found out that the collar the breeder gave me pulls right apart /in the least fun way possible/. Thankfully Dahlia will run right to me if I just sit down and call her, but OMG we were two blocks from a busy street. WHO TF MAKES DOG COLLARS THIS WEAK!? DOESN'T THAT DEFEAT THE GD PURPOSE!?
I put Dahlia in her pen and put this on hoping it would help keep her calm while I took a shower. It didn't. I just ended up listening to sad music and my puppy crying the entire time I was in the shower. I came out and she was trying to dig to China through her new bed.
12 Hours Anti Anxiety Music for Dogs 🐶 Stress Relief Music For Dogs ♬ Calming Music For 12 Hours Anti Anxiety Music for Dogs 🐶 Stress Relief Music For Dogs ♬ Calming Music For Dogs◕◕◕ Welcome to HEAL MY DOG ◕◕◕✦ Heal My Dog - Beautiful Music - ...
You think you're tough, bro? I just watched Dahlia conquer her fear of a dog sized rock. It only took her a whole three minutes. She's built different, wimp.
Sorry, ladies. I belong to Dahlia now. All inquiries must go through her. I don't make the rules.
I swear this is the most chill puppy in the history of puppies. So far the only time she made a peep was when I put her in her pen so I could run downstairs to get something really quick. She's perfect.
Baby's first road trip. Only 2 pukes at far, but they were the cutest pukes ever lol
I think it was mostly the flea meds she ate right before we left the breeder's, and nerves. I could tell she was feeling pretty anxious. We barely made it a mile before she puked right down my leg. Ofc she missed the towel. She's chillin on the new doggy bed she picked out now.
Baby Dahlia just got a bath and is a little nervous, but she's so calm and adorable
Just checked the profile of my friend who does the work and she does not say ally but you can tell her values anyway. But this reminds me of saying white ppl only learn signaling.
I have such a mixed feeling about folks who put "feminist" or "ally" in their profile while not belonging to the group in question. On the one hand sure, I guess it may center an issue. On the other, it's weird to make supporting someone else an identity and to exemplify it rather than normalize it.
If you want me to scrutinize your every move, never tell me you're an ally.
"Hey, officer. I'm doing a survey. When is the last time you beat your wife or dreamed about murdering black people?"
And this bish called the cops for a fender bender 🤦🏼‍♀️ The cop won't shut tf up like women don't know anything about cars and Google doesn't exist. He just called both of them "girls." *Reaching for the holster in my mind*