
This is a dumb article, but also isn't the author's first rodeo, and his other writing shows the real reason he doesn't vote "But my principal reason for declining to take part in elections is moral. It involves, I suppose, a private objection to democracy itself."
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
You’re free not to vote in a democracy but people who have a moral objection to democracy I think maybe ought to have their citizenship revoked
I mean, I vote. But I read this condemnation of political non-participation and I think of William Lloyd Garrison (and for a while Douglass). There's a moral case to be made. I don't personally think it goes anywhere and don't live that way but, you know, some bright folks have.
I’m fine with political non-participation, I’m fine with just about any way of interacting with democracy up until the point where one begins opposing democracy as a valid form of government at which point I think it’s time for a person to leave the community
Garrison lived an intensely political life, endorsed voting for some candidates (including Lincoln), and after the Civil War worked on getting Black people and women their right to vote. Yes, he also sometimes boycotted the options he had at the polls. But he strongly supported meaningful voting.
More than that! For a long time Garrisonians did not participate in American government (or the church) because of perceived fundamental corruption in both; it was a point on which Douglass (and others) broke with him.