
1/ Rush Limbaugh made a comedy show about finding the dumbest things his dumbest political enemies were saying and doing, and amplifying it as if that was the entirety of what his political enemies were saying and doing.
2/ He made a lot of money and got a lot of airplay and got a lot of loyal followers, and ended up influencing right-wing politics in a major way.
3/ His imitators didn't bother actually finding out what their political enemies were doing. They just made up preposterous bullshit that their political enemies weren't even close to doing and complained that they were doing those things.
4/ They have made a lot of money and get a lot of airplay and have a lot of loyal followers, and have ended up influencing right-wing politics in a major way. Nobody in their ecosystem cares that their ecosystem is based on bullshit.
5/5 Nobody cares that somewhere along the way, they stopped trying to be funny. The whole thing has turned into outrage porn, and their viewers are very thirsty.
POST: Rush Limbaugh laughed at his political enemies. Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro whine about their political enemies.
ADDENDUM: Jesse Waters just makes up political enemies.