Tri Datta

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Tri Datta

climate scientist who models air, sea and ice, but driven by the impacts on people.
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Wall Street is retreating from DEI, as programs once meant for minorities and women are now open to all. One ex-exec says she’s had white women ask what opportunities their sons will have if Wall Street focuses on promoting underrepresented groups
Wall Street’s DEI Retreat Has Officially Programs once meant for people of color and women are now open to all.
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Video statement from NSIDC’s Twila Moon at a pre-AGU workshop on polar geoengieering projects. These ideas have been recently publicized in a “Giant Antarctic Ocean Curtain to stop sea level rise” press article. Scientists [paraphrased]: “Whoa. Time out folks.” 🧪⚒️
I think this is boring and is also addressing one of the most important concrete things that we can do to improve academia (and diversity within it). In general: one of the most unfortunate things about adulthood is that Actually Important Things are Boring AF.
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2023 was the hottest 🌡️ year on Earth 🌎 on record by a a lot Join us on January 24 at 630p ET for this virtual 🐥 panel on "What should climate justice mean?" Register here:
Hedge funds raking in huge profits from climate risk. "Cat bond issuance has been turbo-charged by concern about extreme weather events fueled by climate change, and by decades-high inflation that’s added to the cost of rebuilding after natural disasters."
Hedge Funds Rake in Huge Profits Betting on Catastrophe For hedge funds, the science of catastrophes helped generate the best returns of any alternative investment strategy last year.
This list is awesome and I'm keeping it forever for future arguments. Only complaint is that each quote fits into a Decision Tree for Shit Nice Racists Say. Someone with art skills needs to make that.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. Here are some quotes from him that should be more widely known.
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Ohio has basically defacto banned trans healthcare for adults using a similar strategy to why there was only a handful of abortion clinics in the entire Midwest before the Dobbs decision (TRAP laws) cis people please repost this so this info doesn't get stuck in the queer social bubble
Breaking: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) bans, by executive order, gender-affirming surgery for minors, effective immediately. The move followed last week's veto of a broader bill. He also announced two proposed rules that will apply to all care, including adults.
Yeah, I've hit "Kids these days" point and reminded colleagues (who went straight to grad school after undergrad and now have fancy titles) how (a) we're old; things are different (b) remember when I held your hair when you barfed on yourself before your first invited talk? Yeah...shut up, girl.
When I was growing up it was hard to convince older people you couldn't just show up and apply for a job anymore. They just couldn't wrap their heads around it. Now we tell younger people to "just Google it" without appreciating that all the search engines are broken.
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HAHAHA. This. Except geoengineering and sea level rise.
This is the hypocrisy of small science: do some fancy pants analysis of 3rd order issues w/o ever addressing the 1st order ones b/c they would be unpalatable to a captured bureaucracy and the industry. Never make all the assumptions explicit btw as that would reveal how ridiculous they are. 3/3
Good academic social media experience: when people celebrate science in my own discipline ...but I've never read any of the authors before. This demonstrates that the networks I know of aren't *actually* that powerful, and also that there are whole new worlds of Potential Science Friends.
Holy shit, people need to see "Us". My sister and I deal with Christmas at home by binge-watching horror movies and this is one of the best of the last 5 yrs. Lupita Nyong'o just hit the Olivia Colman / Gillian Anderson space of "I'll just watch whatever movie she's in"
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federal government is about to get into catastrophe modeling!!!
a memo for reimagining has been released
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A few years back I coded an algorithm to compute daily surface melt in Antarctica from microwave sat. data. The NSIDC adopted the code but it isn't live yet. Until then, I created my own "Antarctica Today" app that'll auto-post replies to this thread. Daily surface melt extent w/ a 1-day lag. 🧪⚒️🌍
Massive Congratulations , here accepting the prestigious American Geophysical Union Macelwane Medal.
FYI will be at AGU this year. Say Hi if you see me.
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Is the community of 🌊 level projection experts too accustomed to working with the scraps off the 💰 agency tables? I firmly believe that if the right 👀 can see how insufficient sea level projections are, the money will come. $20M won't be too much to ask. Let's 💭 big! What's our dream ask?!??😎 1/
Person who writes detailed things about CDR who also says True Things.
This is 100% untrue.
Got booster, brain is mud, thus watching brainless TV today – not “film”, not “informative”, just looking for Good Garbage and it is SO disappointing. Why do so many stories revolve around a teen heiress with supernatural powers and imaginary problems? Alternate recommendations welcome.
I always thought of myself as a cultured person, but I just texted someone " 'Thor: Love and Thunder' is an exhilarating and nearly-perfect film" and ...then read what I'd just written.
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Advance warning: I'm almost finished writing a book and will be talking about it pretty much nonstop for the rest of my life, apologies to all
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This years Lancet Countdown report has some important new additions: 🌍 Regional breakdowns  🔍Attribution of key indictors 🌡️Projections for a 2C warmer world Check out my coverage of the report for 👇 "Heat stress wiped out equivalent of 4% of Africa’s GDP in 2022"
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Insurance industry's handling of extreme weather / climate risk is receiving scrutiny like never before. This article nicely summarizes the pressure on the industry to disclose, zip code by zip code, where they've pulled out, where they've spiked premiums, and why.
I think this is an exceedingly important piece. Skimmed so far, will be reading in detail, and something that the modeling community needs to be bringing up in beer conversations 150% more than "bitching about academia".
I've started to find hashtag politics revolting, but on the off chance there are people who think they're on their own: #CeaseFireNow. I think this part's simple.