
i’m sulking on the couch in a gorgeous luxury home in the hamptons, avoiding a group dinner at this founder networking event i’m here for, trying to figure out why i’m so upset about being treated like dirt. dirt that’s just a little bit annoying, something that you could ignore or maybe flick away
it’s far from the most insulting situations i’ve been in, but it feels dehumanizing. it’s not even that people don’t respect me for my work, or my opinions, or anything like that. it’s like they don’t respect me, they don’t SEE me, as a human being.
it makes me really depressed to realize that as a woman, there is something inherent and intrinsic to my identity that will forever be a barrier, esp in the tech industry. it has nothing to do with how “good” i actually am at anything. in the eyes of the power brokers, i will always be a nobody.
it makes me even more depressed to realize that these assholes are the ones “innovating” the future and deciding what kind of world we are all going to live in. and they are utterly detached from humanity, morality, decency, and respect.
Literally the worst people in the world. Sorry
As a low level female hardware tech, I know exactly has you feel.
Thank you for going into a hostile environment so many others don't want to (or don't dare to) tread.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. As an old, white guy who's been in tech since 1990, I keep hoping that shit is behind us and that brilliance is recognized, no matter the messenger. Sadly, and to your misfortune, it's not. I hope you continue to kick ass and take names, despite the obstacles.
Sending you healing energy and patience.
Have you considered taking a nice tour of their medicine cabinet? (Obviously joking—and genuinely sorry you feel like that.)