Josh Grant

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Josh Grant

I love big ideas and math and stuff. Mostly harmless.

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Christ, is it still only Tuesday
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I’ll go: All numbers are abstractions, even the integers. There is nothing more or less real about the number 4 vs any other weird mathematical object like the sizes of infinite sets or the complex plane, it’s all bullshit we made up to help ourselves understand the real world
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
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So water is pretty heavy, it turns out
Reposted byAvatar Josh Grant
the future of this country doesn't look like dudes like me and that is really beautiful
Well it is raining hard here #dlws
Good morning. I'm having orange juice with breakfast and I gotta say, great work everyone
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Reposted byAvatar Josh Grant
the general vibe at the moment
Reposted byAvatar Josh Grant
Slightly cheaper than the $42,000/month (with significant limitations) that Elon's trying to charge for minimal API access.
You can grab an entire copy of everything on Bluesky and keep it up-to-date in real-time for just $153/month in computing costs. I hope researchers will take advantage of this to do some interesting data analysis. For example, can you identify disinformation campaigns as they happen?
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Given the recent circumstances of my life I’ve decided to try and sell some of my originals Offering each of these for $75
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time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
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The anti-Blackness on this site is omnipresent and uncontrolled, and it keeps getting worse. And every time it gets pointed out, white people keep deflecting to another marginalization they experience. But Black people still aren’t safe just being Black here. That’s that on that.
Sometimes I think about the guidance counsellor who talked me out of taking Media Studies in high school because they saw me as too smart for that
On the one hand, social media can be tool of misinformation and harm. On the other hand, sometimes this kind of thing happens
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when a cat has resting bitch face
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Disability Reading Thread for Disability Pride Month. Drop your favorite books. ♿️ 📚
Now there's *problematic* trans women on here? In addition to hot trans women on here? How do people keep up?
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Experiencing an outage. Team is working on it.
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It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season
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::taps mic:: because teen girls and wine moms have a lot to lose and are some of the most realistically politically engaged people in america.
It’s weird that the last few years have involved having to wrestle with the NYT and CNN being full of shit while People and Teen Vogue of all things are doing their job for them
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I have some news… For the next school year, I will be the artist-in-residence at Harvard Medical School as part of the MS program in Media, Medicine and Health. This fall, I’m teaching a course on how the memoir functions within systems of power. I’m excited, nervous and ready to make good trouble.
Good News: There's Caves on the Moon! Bad News: They're $1.1 Million on Zillow, without parking spaces
Ok, new idea: get rid of all newspaper columnists except for J Bouie, Vicky Mochama and maybe Tressie, for like a couple of months. See how that goes and iterate.
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When Germans take dick pics do they get anxious about photographing their wurst angle
Reposted byAvatar Josh Grant
Bluesky absolutely needs better notification filters. Co-signed.
Update: he's saying there's a chance!
Good morning everyone, including those living in the United States of America
I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and honestly the Black Eyes Peas made some pretty terrible pop music
Reposted byAvatar Josh Grant
This is getting a little ridiculous. True loser shit. It’s basically tied. What do these people think their jobs are?
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.