
Clarence Thomas the last 20 years: 2005 - Chevron is correct 2005-2024 - receives $4 million in secret gifts from real estate developers and polluters and other right-wingers who’ve made reversing Chevron one of their highest priorities 2024 - Chevron is wrong
Adherence to Chevron also directly related to who the administration is at the time. "I like this administration, and think we should defer to its determinations." "I don't like this one and don't think we should." Naked partisanship.
It’s no coincidence that the actual Chevron case was about the Reagan administration trying to institute *less* EPA enforcement. It’s also not a coincidence that Neil Gorsuch’s mother was literally the EPA administrator at that time.
*gratuities, perfectly legal gratuities you would normally give to an official based on what I ruled last week. HIGH FIVE
"Advance gratuities" - right? Thomas is probably chiding himself about all the time he wasted, agonizing over how to make bribing a Supreme Court Justice look 'legit' - when apparently he could've just pocketed the goods openly and given the American public both middle fingers all along...
😡 I have no words for Thomas. Well, yes I do, but I can't print it here. 🤬
"secret gifts", do you mean pre-post-judgement gratuities?
he was presented with further evidence and he reconsidered how thoroughly rigorous and scientific
He’s made a grave error. You’re supposed to be paid AFTER you do the bidding of your masters.
But, but Clarence is allowed to have friends! What kind of psychopath would expect a poor, humble, servant of the people to carry his mighty burden friendless? Or indigent? 🥺 🤢🤮