
đź’Ż. I had about as easy a divorce one can, katie's less so but for both it was enough neither want to get married again (dif if we wanted kids, for sure), even if we consider ourselves 'permanent' (endgame?). for us, barriers incentivized staying in bad relationships over either partner's happiness
one of the lesser enraging things about this is vance’s fucking dumbshit assertion that getting divorced is trivially easy, no one in the entire fucking history of american marriage has ever said that, even the friendliest, least-hostile divorces imaginable are a gigantic pain in the ass
Twice divorced. The legal process was fine with both and I remarried since. Can’t say there weren’t rough feelings in the moment but both my exes are great people even if the marriages failed. Honestly both were gonna fail cuz neither of them has any interest in dating women.
Yeaaaaaaa mine failed for distinct reasons but after I came out to folks last year as NB there was a resounding “daaamn can you imagine how {my ex} would have handled that?”
Neither of my exes married me without knowing who I was, it just didn’t seem like I was ever going to get to *do anything* about it.
God the “I know this” to “I’m gonna do something about this” gap so real
I knew at 5. But I got signals that it was a bad idea to do anything with it repeatedly long enough that I gave up … I had a moment at 32 where I gave it half a consideration since that first marriage had ended anyway, and … then took 8 more years
I definitely didn’t have language to understand until mid 20s. I grew up w folks assuming I was gay (even post divorce at 28 ppl asked me if that was why). I had what I think was a bit of standard pipeline in my 20s/30s of “oh nb folks are so cool/I wish I was NB/oh wait I see hmm”