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One time rural Miss. teacher. Went to be a lawyer then thought better of it. Now back in education in various forms. Occasional speedrunner. They/Them. Chaotic good.
No, Peter Baker, your varying treatment of Biden and Trumps puts your and your newspaper's prejudices in stark relief.
Wait no *now* I’m in my Challengers era
Brought to you by the movie Challengers
Calm before the storm of family time
Brain addled nyt editorialists take-your-own-advice challenge
Avatar the lowest stakes out of today but goddamn if that old tweet of yours does not seem anodyne compared to the entirety of discourse in response to scotus decision rn lol
On the bright side, if we *do* win with a Harris/Manchin ticket I sure have some new contingency plans for how to make the most of the situation afterwards
the most diabolical suggestion i have heard given this reality is Harris/Manchin
Pundits: we’re just smol beans who can’t influence the election you have to beat Trump at the ballot box Also pundits: Joe Biden must resign in disgrace or watch as we burn your democracy to the ground Surely if we just do what they ask they’ll rally around whomever dems pick as replacement
Democracy isn't picking the person 81 million people voted for to take over if Biden couldn't go, it's having a bunch of random delegates chosen in an uncontested primary pick someone by fiat
Wedding 2 of the season!
Moving firmly into the ‘theirs and hers’ clothing era of the relationship
I understand presentation is not endorsement and yet I have some questions for the Indianapolis war memorial
Extreme Jessie and James voice:
Just saw someone w Kennedy 2024…paperwork?…in the wild in Indianapolis
Eloquent distillation of ‘this is a choice not a referendum.’ While I do think Biden camp should get him out publicly asap to quash narrative, extent to which media over and over frames this as referendum—only Bidens actions matter, and only in most nebulous ways—is dereliction of duty
Good for Vox
"Trump reminded us tonight that he is uniquely unfit for office and hostile to our democracy. The fact that those qualities have lost their ability to shock underscores just how much the man has bent our politics to his will."
Donald Trump is getting away with The debate proved that Donald Trump is still a threat to democracy. How have we lost sight of that?
Indy for a wedding this weekend. Athenaeum easy first stop. lime leaf coconut iced latte and a working space.
Look we have all made decisions tonight
💯. I had about as easy a divorce one can, katie's less so but for both it was enough neither want to get married again (dif if we wanted kids, for sure), even if we consider ourselves 'permanent' (endgame?). for us, barriers incentivized staying in bad relationships over either partner's happiness
one of the lesser enraging things about this is vance’s fucking dumbshit assertion that getting divorced is trivially easy, no one in the entire fucking history of american marriage has ever said that, even the friendliest, least-hostile divorces imaginable are a gigantic pain in the ass
Seeing *a lot* of admissions essays lately where there is a higher level of visual descriptive language than I’m used to but pared w incredibly little personal detail/description of growth and right or not sets off alarms every time
I didn't think I had a lot of faith left to lose in people but now every time I hear a speech by a non professional public speaker now I immediately think eg "am I listening to the output of typing 'generate a pre-k graduation speech' into a chatbot?" and i know less peace than ever
Four years ago, we lost my friend Hans Schoenburg to brain cancer. Finally, we were able to celebrate his life with family and friends. Long overdue, but lovely to see friends from Albuquerque for the first time in 15 years. May Hans’ memory continue to be a blessing.
In light of the below and Columbia’s handling of protests, I will say I find these prompts from Columbia’s admissions a bit concerning
Almost certainly right, though one of the scariest things I’ve heard from folks in admissions there is that the refs are being successfully worked, and they feel under obligation to promote ‘diversity’ by trying to increase number of (now all basically radical) conservative students
I may have had some issues with my attempts to get delivery in this weather
The perk (?) of working freelance, 1-on-1 is that I’m your busy season your calendar becomes an inventory management game where the restrictions on placement aren’t so much the size of objects but other people’s overlapping schedules
Reposted byAvatar Troy
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Made strawberry basil syrup. Yuzu cube juice shake strained over ice. Pere lebat 59. Accidental blurry cat in background. Weather antidote.
May I introduce you to my emotion canceling AI for customer support: I’ve removed the need to shout “speak to a representative 5 times” before letting you speak to our customer support
“The voice-altering technology, dubbed SoftVoice, alters angry customer voices into calm ones. It aims to emotionally support call center employees, acting as a ‘mental shield’ for operators.”
Call Centers Introduce ‘Emotion Canceling’ AI as a ‘Mental Shield’ for SoftBank and First Horizon Bank are injecting emotional support AI systems into their call centers.
Ah I see we have reached “breeze is not cooling, it’s convection cooking” temperatures
Smart phrasing from Seavees, asking what you buy not attaching it to *your gender*. Contra Mango which weirdly a. made me select gender to create account to buy shit b. only offered male/female ayfkm? Alas Mango's clothing looks great on me & is consistently sized which is a godsend sooo
and yet no dopey billionaire donors seem to mind this (the teaching training bit) when it comes to their rant list/attempted takeover bids of universities. hmmmmm
make some bands less mild: Full Lovato imperial system run the galaxy Nosferatu millenium adorned chantilly polos televisionanal
Make a band less mild Apocalypse! At the Disco