
Seems weird to call it a war when only one side has to keep relocating civilians so that the other side can keep destroying all their homes and families, I dunno
Even if we believe that Hamas is hiding in civilian camps, how is this helping? How does this deter them? How do they even know they're getting their targets? It doesn't make any sense unless, of course, the goal IS the civilian damage and loss of life.
That has to be the goal, otherwish all they are doing is basically making more and more Hamas fighters. I mean who wouldn't want to join up against someone who leveled your home, killed your family, and ruined your life.
Yeah, we all know this isn't a solution to what terrorist groups like Hamas are after or how they operate. It doesn't stop them or it would have by now. October 7th was horrifying and wrong, but this isn't right just because that was terrible.
It can’t be genocide though. Not in an election year. -_-
Ah but Israelis "feel scared"! Whomst can say what's worse,,,
It's a genocide, it was framed up as a war
it's really like... whether or not the definition of war as accepted by "international law" includes 'one side bombards the other while the other struggles to live let alone fight back' focusing on the definition is just. such a useless argument. a very "do you care more about words or people" thing
It’s an uneven war, but a war nonetheless; you just don’t hear about the rocket attacks on Tel Aviv because they don’t do anywhere close to the damage the retaliatory attack does. Not to mention the attack that kicked off this war.
It’s not a knife fight if only one guy has a knife. That’s called a stabbing
yeah, its the dominant population trying to reduce its non-dominant population into insignificance one way or the other and calling it a "war" allows them to do this the exact reason they r trying to herd Palestinians into disconnected enclaves they can declare r "attacking" them in another "war"
Let's just all call it what it is - an extermination. Where in history is this word used? Odd
But, but...Hamas fired some rockets a few times......
Israeli civilians near Gaza also had to evacuate after 10/7