Elia Rowan

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Elia Rowan


Not the eldritch horror your mom warned you about, but I promise I'm really weird and offputting if you get to know me!


She/her, it/its if you've got a weird gender.
Avatar by @cass on Cohost. Banner by @thefallencomet
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Reposted byAvatar Elia Rowan
isaac moved back in with abraham. isaac needs a break from her classes. abraham will need someone to drive her to appointments soon. the knife lies in the center of the kitchen table. sharp. angry. they do not know what it is for yet. they have not gotten the phone call yet. they have eight months
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Glerbuh, class-J giant planet in the Zwo-Nmu system (home system of the Mellanoid Slime Worms)
thats someone else, though they weren't a boy. i took the puppet strings when i came down here but there's a fundamental disconnect between us
i saw some discussion on twitter about this , and i know i have talked about it a bit here too but like do you as a trans woman see pre trans you as always a girl or do you see pre trans you as previously a boy (and reversed for trans men)? i think i am mostly in the previously a boy camp, ..
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I killed him and ate him
i saw some discussion on twitter about this , and i know i have talked about it a bit here too but like do you as a trans woman see pre trans you as always a girl or do you see pre trans you as previously a boy (and reversed for trans men)? i think i am mostly in the previously a boy camp, ..
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In need of $150 to make it through the weekend! Thank you! 🌈 CA: $KiiXeeExplorer Venmo: KiiXeeExplorer
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So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.
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My erotic macaroni art is only for serious collectors
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Masking at cons is SO GREAT, y’all, for real, I haven’t gotten con crud in four years AND I AM A VENDOR, I AM BREATHED ON BY LITERALLY EVERYONE, strong recommend! It’s so good!
Side note, covid or not, I'm never going to another con unmasked again. I can't believe I just accepted getting sick *every time.* I was just letting all those people breathe into my mouth.
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“masking has become a symbol of solidarity between disability justice and the struggle for a free Palestine, and a commitment to ensuring that disabled and immunocompromised people are supported within left movements.” www.thenation.com/article/poli...
Masks Are a Symbol of Solidarity. Don’t Let Democrats Take Them Away.www.thenation.com Mask bans are ostensibly about public safety. The result would be disastrous for public health—but it goes beyond that, too.
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Hey sorry if I seemed weird earlier it’s because I am
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You alright man? I keep seeing small damage numbers coming off you
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Want to mask but lack resources? Look up your local covid action group. They provide free masks, often including sampler packs to help you find the n95-type mask for your specific needs! Size, shape, hair texture, sensory needs, etc matter. So does normalizing masking. Mask in public. Always.
COVID Action Map - Google My Mapscovidactionmap.org Mapping COVID action groups worldwide. Groups are not pinned to exact addresses. On Instagram and Twitter as @covidactionmap.
keeping a hammer in a glass box labeled "BREAK IN CASE OF LINNAEUS" just in case any biologists get any big ideas
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「 commission 」 portrait for Foxsouth ⚡
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I'm A. and this is my art ✨
im anni and this is my art ✨
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There have been so many of these but they still find ways to shock me
Change in Headline
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“From the perspective of others its actions usually seem to have no meaning in the present – it only later becomes apparent that they have retroactively caused events in the past, or set in motion a butterfly effect causing events in the future.” –(Legoinnaire, p61) I'm not getting hyped for LL3 :)
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Our Lancer group's Toku pilot finally got his Lucifer NHP, so I had to draw her. Here's Lucy, who definitely will not be a problem. :)
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Our party badass and resident boomer, Sarah (played by @daxolotl.bsky.social !), who despite being "the responsible one" accidentally signed on with a literal supervillain to pilot this mech. I think we have to fight said supervillain this week... #art #lancerrpg #mech #ssc
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I'll admit this one might be a little too closely-inspired by some of the amazing ship designs I've seen recently, but... spaceship! Also, my first foray into actually using perspective!
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6MLF_Unsportsmanlike Conduct is Valid in Matters of Love and War is unusual among Society Vessels. Formerly a human with a love of megaconstructions and logistics, Val reshelled herself into an IC substrate to embrace her creative desires.
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Pop Rocks are actually a very small and entirely sentient species. The popping is their souls exploding out of their body as they die in your mouth.