
“Were Trump to be excluded from a ballot, Trump voters would of course claim that they have been cheated. But they will claim that anyway, in any possible scenario in which Trump does not win reelection. He will lie about the outcome, and they will believe him.”
There’s Nothing Undemocratic About Barring Trump From the Some take a dim view of using the Constitution to disqualify the former president, saying only the voters have the right to decide. There are some big holes in their argument.
the "but, but, but..." caucus needs to shut the fuck up and get on board
I'll be satisfied with the first part.
But they don’t believe him. They know he’s lying, and they don’t care. It isn’t a matter of them being stupid. They certainly are stupid. But it’s worse than that: they CHOOSE TO BELIEVE WHAT THEY KNOW ARE LIES. It’s a moral choice they made to not care. Don’t let these trash cans off the hook.
They are stupid about everything but destruction. Of course they will complain. Wasn't there one state where they LEGIT FORGOT to get him on the ballot?
I'm a Canadian, and I know American law better than most Americans. Especially constitutional law. The courts have every right to remove him from the ballots because of the 14th amendment. But the flip side is that it will trigger a civil war. That is undeniable
I’m an immigrant. For us to gain citizenship we have to learn not only us history but also constitutional law so we can undergo a 100 question test, basically. They hand us a copy of the constitution to study it. If only they did this for every born citizen, we wouldn’t have this issue.
I agree. My partner, who is from Scotland, had to do the same thing for her citizenship here in Canada. So many of my countrymen have no fucking clue about our right or laws. It really should be mandatory across all education systems
The trump cultists scream "kill all libritards/dems" say otherwise. And yes they are thay stupid
1) That is not a civil war 2) that is already happening
Walk me through the process of "break out into a civil war." The logistics are very hazy to me. Do people magically organize themselves into military units? Does the local gun shop have sufficient ammunition to take on the state? Who finances rebel per diems?
"What if Trump supporters become violent" They're already violent "What if conservatives lose faith in the democratic process and stop voting" Good
If Trump can run in 2024 so can Obama - theyre both just constitutional restrictions afterall
Oh, heaven forbid we question the infallible honesty of Trump and his devoted followers. Clearly, any scenario where he doesn't win is just a grand conspiracy orchestrated by those nefarious truth-seekers. Delightful narrative we've got here!
No way the supreme court allows it, unfortunately. At least one member is essentially on Trump's payroll.
It is hardly anti-democratic to disqualify a candidate who has refused to accept the results of a free and fair election and attempted to circumvent the peaceful transfer of power.
Are we to preach heat or a platform where everyone can share
Nothing new 🤷‍♂️
Astoundingly rare media take, but correct. Trump broke America apart. He’ll keep doing it as long as we let him.
“Some take a dim view of using the Constitution to disqualify the former president, saying only the voters have the right to decide. There are some big holes in their argument.” Hole number one: The voters have to abide by the Constitution, not the other way around just to put an insurgent in office
Of course, the only way Trump voters would ACTUALLY be cheated is by Trump himself, whether he's re-elected or not.