
I won't go back to any establishment that expects tipping. I would like a list of current establishments in Auckland & the rest of Aotearoa that have tipping so I can personally boycott them. Do the right thing & pay a living wage!
Living Wage Employers in New New Zealand employers who pay the living wage. Fair pay employers in New Zealand
I think the tipping culture comes from countries where there is no minimum wage. Hospo workers in the US can earn as little as $3-5 an hour and make up the difference in tips. Unions here have fought hard for minimum wages here and tipping is not required.
I don't go back to places that have a prominent tip jar, or whose machines ask for a tip, because that's a big fucking red flag that the employer is a shitcunt. there is no reason to tip in new zealand. none.
No tipping in Japan at all and that's want I want here. Pay decent wages and don't make workers depend on the largesse of patrons. It is demeaning.
the entire reason for the practice is *so that employers can underpay staff*, so i don't get why you'd ever ask employers, or why employers would ever publicly be quoted saying "Yeah we'd like to pay our staff less that's why i think tipping's great"
And of course staff are going to say they'd like to have enough money to pay their bills...
Huge NO. Don't give employers ideas.
It's complicated and stressful for customers by design - guilt if you don't tip right. People say it's for good service but how often is it used as a front for buying abuse -eg groping or flirting- of our service people, usually young women? 'Oh he's a good tipper so...'
Why are we okay with tipping, but wouldn't countenance paying a civil servant an under-the-counter gratuity to get your papers to the head of the queue?