
I need to find some self-admitted conservatives to have dumb fights with because arguing with the populists/crypto-cons on here is rotting my brain.
100%. Not MAGAs, but some good old fashioned conservatives.
Largely endangered species sadly
Most have been branded Never Trumpers and mostly kind of lie low on policy differences (perhaps) in the interest of making common cause - which is not terrible overall. I'm thinking of Patrick Chovanec.
I think a lot of Never Trumpers have genuinely become more liberal as a consequence of their new alliances anyway (for celebrity examples see: Tom Nichols, Joe Walsh)
Totally agree. It's been interesting to watch Bill Kristol's move left too. Although, we haven't wrung the neocon out of this crowd.
In a very real sense, they were always trying to retrofit muscular liberal interventionism onto a conservative frame, and it was never really a good fit. IMO it's better to have them in our tent and talk them down from the really bad shit.
Yeah Nichols is this, I think. I don’t think he’s budged on foreign policy at all, however when I still followed him I recall him confessing that, in retrospect, he was never crazy about guns, abortion bans, or basically anything advocated for by the religious right
A lot of this goes back to northern/coastal intellectual republicanism vs. the southern strategy republicanism.