
I don't! imo this kind of statement is very calculated. I wouldn't say it's a sign that Clyburn wants or expects Biden to step aside but I do think it is a sign that it is being considered and he's giving the party notice that Harris would be the replacement and he expects no funny business.
I think people are overreading that Jim Clyburn quote
Right, but the only part of the quote that's circulating is "'I will support' Harris if Biden 'were to step aside,'" which people are, in fact, using to suggest that it's a sign that Clyburn wants or expects Biden to step aside
i think the non-highlighted part of the quote is why it deserves attention but i take your point
Also important is how Mitchell phrased the question. If he hadn't said "I will support her", the story becomes him opening the door for others. Instead, we get this cycle out of it. Easy to read it as a deeply cynical approach to asking the Q.
i see the question as natural but the desire to stir shit no matter what the answer is, universal
hahaha well that second part is the damn truth that's for sure.
The soundbyte media mill will churn full statements into scandalous asides no matter what. If you already presume your statement will be taken out of context, why not give an answer that is specific and direct, for the inevitable clarifying second statement later?
his answer was totally reasonable *and* intentional, imo.
If nothing else consider: He knows the risk of not addressing the question everyone’s asking, is being called complicit in ignoring what can no longer be ignored.
The fact that the response wasn't "Joe Biden will be the nominee" means a ton
100%. Clyburn is the reason Biden became the nominee in the first place, so if he was dead-set against him stepping aside, one would expect him to say so pretty plainly.
Clayburn has a direct line to Biden. He doesn’t need to go on tv to signal anything.
Good take and I think if you’re right then Clyburn is being smart
Exactly. The road beyond Biden goes through Harris and nobody else.
It reminds me of how he talked after Buttigieg dropped out and it was clear that Bernie could run away with it and everyone rallied behind Biden