
The fundamental issue with asking "why don't people call for Trump to resign" is like asking why it's such a big deal that McCluskey was on the Turk's payroll when nobody is asking Don Corleone to step down.
Basically, in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 I was very confident that the Dem candidate would win. This election feels much more perilous, no matter who ends up being the nominee.
i am actually more confident than most but i really can't stand the idea that being worried is an anti-Biden conspiracy
an additional layer of concern is that we know that republicans will brazenly attempt to steal the election after the fact if they lose. and their judicial apparatchiks might even try to help. we need to know that dems will do what it takes to shut that the fuck down.
I think there’s a difference between being worried and being worried in a coordinated and performative fashion on the front page of the Paper of Record.