
france results are basically how i've been thinking about the us race and why i have been relatively calm. do not point out how the center here acts towards the left thank you.
I think liberals are generally receptive to left candidates it’s just that democratic leaders give democratic voters brainworms
Remember when they fear mongered about "losing your good insurance" to.scare people away from single payer?
"You'll lose your GOOD INSURANCE!!"
Americans want to believe they have good insurance, and saying the words "losin insurance" triggers a fear nugget in their brainsif beingadrift with no healthcare so it worked. Democrats are controlled opposition
Need I bring up Nina Turner and India Walton? The latter losing because Democrats put up their failed primary candidate as a non party candidate and showed solidarity with Republicans to smear Walton?
Yes democratic leaders in Buffalo supported a republican over India Walton
I mean it’s not that different from how the center acts towards the left there. Macron seemed wholly uninterested in sacrificing seats for his coalition to improve chances that leftists would beat RN.
I'm petsitting for friends who are visiting relatives in France, and I'm very glad that their holiday will be that much more joyful now. Also I've had the news reports on, and I swear their cats were actually paying attention!
It’s pretty sad when the folks who control the Dems are deemed “the center” rather than supporters of true reform. At a time when the Republicans are fascists, we need another FDR, not a bloc dedicated to helping Wall Street & private equity like Clinton/Obama.
They'll just continue to funnel funds to conservative Democrats to defeat progressives.
Sadly many people from centre to almost extreme right would rather see nazis in power than anyone more left than centre left.
I don’t want to freak out but did anybody in France seem to be mentally imploding? How far did this analogy go?
Unfortunately the US electoral system is too corrupted to be able accomplish anything like France did with the cooperation of multiple parties. The electoral college, gerrymandering, voter suppression, stacked courts & complicit elections officials in some states have killed "democracy".