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Historian of applied economics

(macro, public, urban, ag, env, design, tractability, computational econ & more)

CNRS & CREST, Ecole Polytechnique
Having lost three friends in the past two weeks (two heart attacks and a suicide) I echo this in the strongest way possible. Tell people the things you'd say in their eulogy, but while they're still here.
Show the people you love some love. Everyone needs it right now. You never know when it may be the last you see them, my sister died suddenly in 2018 & I miss her like the desert misses the rain every day, what I wouldn't give to see her again Tell the ones you love how much you love them today
Longer, because the 1970s are a mess (and there are several key characters to introduce) Also, one of our two favorite moments in the archives
today's question (niche) is how much did the early 1970s hopes about the breeder reactor shaped Nordhaus's idea that modeling a "backstop technology" was the reasonable way to go
There's cutenomics, and there are those who don't fuck around
S1E4: The equation “implicit in Ramsey” Back to public investment decisions (Last "early period" post. Next post is take-off) theundercoverhistorian.substack.com/p/the-equati...
The equation “implicit in Ramsey”theundercoverhistorian.substack.com Back to public investment decisions
Archen Minsol is arguably the best economic theorist of the 20th century (here, a Restat paper from 1968) (no joke here)
Guess whose archives are now open for research with a detailed online finding aid? HT @cleocz.bsky.social lib.uchicago.edu/e/scrc/findi...
Right. One thing I think is interesting is the line from Weitzman to Newell and Pizer to Bauer and Rudebusch, which if iirc, provides the basis for OMB's schedule.
What a better time to launch a series of 10 posts on the history of the formula economists use to model to future (based on a paper with Pedro Garcia Duarte)? #econsky theundercoverhistorian.substack.com/p/how-econom...
How economists model the future, Season 1, Episode 1theundercoverhistorian.substack.com The uncertain origins of the Ramsey Formula for discounting
"What does and doesn’t count as a definite contribution is also the mechanism at work in the invisibilization of women from science". Can mechanisms be disaggregated here? e.g. @unsocialtheory.bsky.social has bounding, domaining, non-attribution & appropriation as 'types of epistemic positioning'
Epistemic injustice and epistemic positioning: towards an intersectional political economydurham-repository.worktribe.com
After a good 9-month gestation with Pedro Duarte, a birth assisted by the more benevolent and skilled team I could think of. Many thanks to CIRED researchers for the warm welcome and fruitful discussions
Who wrote when to reflect on "the discount rate and the opposition between our moral instincts for zero rate (should we care about 1000 deaths from nuclear waste 5000 years from now?) and the Koopmans argument (if you care so much abt future then you don't care about the present)"
"We find ourselves forced to hunt for a solution in the dark jungles of the second best" (Will Baumol on choosing a discount rate, and really on economists' everyday job)
"It would seem that the greater intrinsic value attached to life and health as against plentiful goods and services would give greater weight to the ethical consideration mentioned earlier" Econs struggling with how nuclear threat affects their discounting framework (1970s)
When the biographical notice of the protagonists of your story make you envious
Any historians of science working on the history of open source technologies? Asking for a friend
Our article "Six Decades of Economic Research at the @bankofengland.bsky.social" with @undercoverhist.bsky.social @jacosta.bsky.social, F. Claveau @clemfon.bsky.social & F. Sergi is now officially published in volume 54(1) of HOPE 🎉 You can access a free version with this link shorturl.at/lnBZ2
"I am anxious that the book's ideas will only lead to dead ends" John Rawls to Partha Dasgupta, 1973, on the Theory of Justice
Mauro Boianovsky has passed. He was a prolific historian of macro and development econ His work include his history of disequilibrium macro with Roger Backhouse and their coauthored paper on the history of the "secular stagnation" concept papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.... 1/2
Had to reopen old Marschak archives, so many gems here " 'Ceteris Paribus': a refuge for lazy irresponsibles" (1948)
Sur les conseils de @undercoverhist.bsky.social, j'ai commandé et reçu ça...
📣 Thrilled to announce our latest paper in the JEM: "To change or not to change. The evolution of forecasting models at the @bankofengland.bsky.social" with Francesco Sergi @undercoverhist.bsky.social François Claveau @jacosta.bsky.social & @clemfon.bsky.social www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10....
how your email finds me:
. @goulven.bsky.social & colleagues are organizing a Conference on The History of Endogenous Growth Theories Location: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne date: 30 and 31 May 2024 deadline this week-end: 15th of January Send your proposals (500 words max) to [email protected]