
It's interesting consider the inverse interpretation of this, where bisexual DOES just mean "I'm only attracted to cis men AND cis women, not trans folk of either persuasion or agender folk" Which... not being attracted to an identity isn't necessarily phobia of that identity, right?
thanks for this image i'm going to share everywhere now
Homosexual men aren't necessarily misogynists, homosexual women aren't necessarily misandrists, gay and lesbian (respectively) are a delineation of who they're attracted to... ... I'm not trying to make any declarations here, I earnestly want to understand, because the bi/pan thing confuses me.
pansexual was intended to be more inclusive but bisexual folks are therefore implicated in transphobia, which just isn’t true. it’s fine to use a label that you feel best suits you, but to saddle another group in our alphabet mafia with that baggage is undue.
the impersonal, nonspecific “you” here, of course!
misogyny is a symptom of patriarchy; systemic misandry doesn’t exist. and that’s a false binary/corollary. it’s about attraction, not hate or abuse
For sure. Was just using the shorthand because not enough characters in the post, honestly.
this was the first resource i found that looked semi-legit that i generally agree with:
being nonbinary and bisexual, fucking ✨ thank you ✨