Upjohn Institute

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Upjohn Institute


The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan, independent research organization, founded in 1945 to study policy-related employment issues and to implement workforce solutions. Based in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Other essays featured in the project include pieces from @pkrugman.bsky.social and @jasonfurman.bsky.social on wage gains and policies for the future of work, respectively.
Essay summarizes case for place policies to help people in distressed areas, including: pushing outmigration doen't work; job creation & job access policies can boost earnings per cap at affordable costs.
Bartik argues for policies that help residents of distressed places get more and better jobs in this piece for the American Worker Project. eig.org/wp-content/u...
Essay summarizes case for place policies to help people in distressed areas, including: pushing outmigration doen't work; job creation & job access policies can boost earnings per cap at affordable costs.
In a new essay for the Economic Innovation Group's American Worker Project, our @timbartik.bsky.social explores the power of place-based policies to address geographic disparities and boost employment in distressed areas. #Econsky eig.org/wp-content/u...
Reposting as this was posted right before the outage.
We're accepting submissions through July 21 for our 2024 Dissertation Award, given to the best Ph.D. dissertation on employment-related issues. The dissertation may come from any academic discipline, but it must have a substantial policy focus. upjohn.org/sites/defaul...
Dissertation Award | Upjohn Institutewww.upjohn.org
Know of a great dissertation on employment-related issues (or maybe you wrote one!)? The deadline for the Upjohn Institute's dissertation award is July 21. More details at www.upjohn.org/sites/defaul... @upjohninstitute.bsky.social
We're accepting submissions through July 21 for our 2024 Dissertation Award, given to the best Ph.D. dissertation on employment-related issues. The dissertation may come from any academic discipline, but it must have a substantial policy focus. upjohn.org/sites/defaul...
Dissertation Award | Upjohn Institutewww.upjohn.org
Reliable economic statistics are crucial for good policymaking. Which is why it's concerning that falling response rates and shrinking budgets are endangering the work of federal statistical agencies. My story on a new report from the American Statistical Association: www.nytimes.com/2024/07/09/b...
Reliability of U.S. Economic Data Is in Jeopardy, Study Findswww.nytimes.com A report says new approaches and increased spending are needed to ensure that government statistics remain dependable and free of political influence.
New EIG report on distressed counties covered in New York Times today echoes recent Upjohn Institute research, with both finding modest trends favoring distressed counties. Thread. (1/4)
"America’s so-called 'left behind' counties — the once-great manufacturing centers and other distressed places that struggled mightily at the start of this century — have staged a remarkable comeback," writes @jimtank in the @nytimes www.nytimes.com/2024/07/08/b...
A Remarkable Comebackwww.nytimes.com “This is the kind of thing that we couldn’t have even dreamed about five or six years ago,” one expert said about changes in some American counties.
More intervention needed: Upjohn researchers assess federal job-creation efforts in Brookings piecewww.upjohn.org
New EIG report on distressed counties covered in New York Times today echoes recent Upjohn Institute research, with both finding modest trends favoring distressed counties. Thread. (1/4)
"America’s so-called 'left behind' counties — the once-great manufacturing centers and other distressed places that struggled mightily at the start of this century — have staged a remarkable comeback," writes @jimtank in the @nytimes www.nytimes.com/2024/07/08/b...
A Remarkable Comebackwww.nytimes.com “This is the kind of thing that we couldn’t have even dreamed about five or six years ago,” one expert said about changes in some American counties.
More intervention needed: Upjohn researchers assess federal job-creation efforts in Brookings piecewww.upjohn.org
Job growth was pretty concentrated in health care, social assistance and government, which accounted for 153,000 of the 206,000 jobs added in June. Construction was also strong, but other sectors were much weaker: Only +7k leisure and hospitality jobs, and retail was down. Temp jobs down nearly 50k.
The share of the total earnings power among all new hires accruing to the goods sector has declined over many years and now sits at 17.5 percent, near a series low. The latest from the New Hires Quality Index. #NHQI #EconSky
Goods sector not keeping pace with services sector: New Hires Quality Indexwww.upjohn.org
High costs per job can be worth it in some contexts, says @timbartik.bsky.social "If it’s in Flint, Michigan, or rural Tennessee or rural Kentucky, the benefits of job creation are very big. There are huge effects on the labor market. It can dramatically change people’s prospects for getting jobs."
$1 trillion a year in tax breaks goes out the door. Are states keeping track?www.route-fifty.com A new report from the Volcker Alliance highlights the lack of transparency around tax expenditures, and calls on states to better monitor whether the tax breaks are achieving their intended effects.
I am delighted to see Upjohn supporting our second round of dissertation grant winners. These are in addition to our dissertation awards and early career research awards. Learn more below about the promising work being done.
We're proud to announce our 2024 Dissertation Research Grants. The grants support research on employment-related topics with particular interest in policy-relevant research pertaining to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.
Upjohn Institute announces second slate of Dissertation Research Grantswww.upjohn.org
We're proud to announce our 2024 Dissertation Research Grants. The grants support research on employment-related topics with particular interest in policy-relevant research pertaining to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.
Upjohn Institute announces second slate of Dissertation Research Grantswww.upjohn.org
Some cities and states have indexed the minimum wage to inflation and roll out increases on a predictable schedule, our Brian Asquith tells Marketplace. “They allow businesses the chance to anticipate increase in wages and to make adjustments."
Does the long-stalled federal minimum wage still matter?www.marketplace.org The national floor is $7.25 an hour — but only 1% of workers are paid that little. Several states and cities will hike their minimums July 1.
States often cut off payments to kids when they move from foster care into adoptive families or kin guardianships. Minnesota worried this might unintentionally slow moves out of foster care. In 2015, basically equalized payments for kids age 6+ but not for younger (Figure 1). What happened next?
The Upjohn Institute has served as the independent evaluator of the Columbus Promise since its inception. What have they – and we – learned from this experience? www.upjohn.org/research-hig...
Six lessons for tuition-free college programs from the Columbus Promisewww.upjohn.org
The Upjohn Institute has served as the independent evaluator of the Columbus Promise since its inception. What have they – and we – learned from this experience? www.upjohn.org/research-hig...
Six lessons for tuition-free college programs from the Columbus Promisewww.upjohn.org
“We could be just teetering along right where we’d want to be at a steadily equilibrium,” our Brad Hershbein tells NYT, “where things are mostly hunky dory, inflation continues to come down, the labor market returns to a place where we’d be expecting between 150,000 and 175,000 jobs per month.”
Jobs Report Will Be Latest Test of U.S. Economy’s Resiliencewww.nytimes.com Hiring levels have eased slightly but remain strong. The data for May, due Friday, is expected to show a gain of 190,000.
High-tech centers such as Seattle and San Francisco boomed but earnings in Pittsburgh grew even more. Mid-sized centers such as Omaha, Nebraska; Des Moines, Iowa; Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Canton, Ohio; and Johnstown, Pennsylvania also saw strong growth. www.upjohn.org/research-hig...
Hiring volume has held up well for foreign-born workers since the start of 2023 while plummeting for native-born workers. Some of the difference is due to population change, however, as per capita hiring trends show declines in both groups in recent years. #EconSky #NHQI
Hiring of U.S.-born workers slows: New Hires Quality Indexwww.upjohn.org Despite slowdown in hiring rates, immigrants help drive new employment growth
Common wisdom has economic growth concentrated in a few large high-tech centers, while former industrial areas have suffered. New research shows this view is incomplete. www.upjohn.org/research-hig...
Do you want to know which areas of the U.S. have seen faster earnings growth for different groups of residents, adjusting for demographics and local prices? A new report from Upjohn Institute researchers lets you do just that. (1/4) #econsky
The booming American cities of the 21st century are not just the ones you thinkwww.upjohn.org Our new data tool provides “apples to apples” comparisons for researchers and economic development organizations
Comparing apples to apples upends the traditional understanding of economic growth over the past two decades. The picture it reveals is heartening: while big high-tech centers have indeed thrived, America’s economic growth has been broader and more widespread than that caricature suggests. #Econsky
The booming American cities of the 21st century are not just the ones you thinkwww.upjohn.org Our new data tool provides “apples to apples” comparisons for researchers and economic development organizations