David Loner

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David Loner


disabled academic | historian of women & gender in twentieth-century analytic philosophy | he/they
The only Mister Rogers documentaries I watch are Michael Keaton-presented Mister Rogers documentaries. Also: Check out Keaton's masterclass appearance on season 9 of Frasier as Frasier's con-artist ex brother-in-law.
If we’re being honest, Michael Keaton’s performance as Betelgeuse in Beetlejuice (1988) is one of the greatest pieces of acting in the history of cinema.
What did we do after the second world war, Rachel? Was it tighten the purse strings, Rachel? Was it?
It’s Disability Pride Month y’all. More folks should know about the 504 Sit-ins and how the Black Panther Party fucked with disability solidarity heavily. I cannot get over how fucking radical the BPP was and how white media worked overtime to demonize them.
The 504 Protests and the Black Panther Party – Disability Social History Projectdisabilityhistory.org
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