David Loner

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David Loner


disabled academic | historian of women & gender in twentieth-century analytic philosophy | he/they
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All of the people indulging in these fantasy Democratic primary scenarios think that people vote reflexively because it’s what they themselves do; they don’t realize that turnout is a product of hard work. Unseen, unheralded work. By unseen, unheralded people.
I don’t know why they think pissing off the door-knockers and canvassing power of the party will end well, but these people don’t understand what they refuse to see
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The Lancet. Calculating deaths in Gaza is difficult, but the full toll is probably much higher than the numbers you've been seeing. www.thelancet.com/journals/lan...
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Ok I just moved from “unsure” to “dump Biden”
Aw that’s nice 🙂
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Despite Labour’s landslide win in the UK general election, the party lost several seats after a strong showing from pro-Palestinian independent candidates, in a sign of anger towards Keir Starmer over Labour’s position on Israel’s war in Gaza cnn.it/4cFXPus
The Labour Party’s position on Gaza appears to have cost it votes in the UK election | CNNcnn.it Despite Labour’s landslide win in the UK general election, the party lost several seats after a strong showing from pro-Palestinian independent candidates, in a sign of anger towards Keir Starmer over...
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Will it be Mr Banality of Evil 1, or Mr Banality of Evil 2
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the consolidated, center-right billionaire owned press continues to shift the editorial overton window rightward and if you can't see it you're either complicit or oblivious
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POV: Kamala just stole your girlfriend.
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If Biden withdraws support for the war on Gaza I am prepared to believe he was born in 1965—possibly as late as 1980
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God is dead and we have killed him -- the K-Hive collective consciousness.
"The Bernie Bros and K-Hive appear to be forming an alliance," I say at the 4th of July cookout. An anvil falls out of the sky directly onto my person, killing me instantly. God appears through the clouds. "I did that," he says. Family and friends applaud politely.
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I love my company. @nintendousa.bsky.social
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI: gameworldobserver.com/2024/07/03/n...
People are always like "Oh isn't ENM hard?" and sure yeah but the biggest issue isn't jealousy or more than one set of inlaws - It's being away from my cat a lot. Oh and also all the wizard people that you get associated with.
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intimidating and punishing journalists who expose flagrant state corruption, another classic Jim Crow mechanism
She won a Pulitzer for exposing how the country's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail. "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.www.nbcnews.com "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
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Worse, they see it as something that actively corrupts society
The MAGA movement will not be shamed by pointing out the basic features of a liberal pluralist democracy. They don't believe in any of it. They see it as a weakness, something that merely holds them back or slows their efforts to reshape their world.
Only an intentionally obtuse art like law in the United States could assess the academy as it exists today and say 'Oh yea, you know, white guys--they have it worst of all.' Diversity in hiring is essential to just forms of knowing and emancipatory epistemologies.
this entire crusade against diversity in hiring and admissions is based on the supposition that all white men are necessarily more qualified than any nonwhite person or woman who might be considered for the job. like, this lawsuit more or less states that outright.
Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in hiringwww.washingtonpost.com The lawsuit, filed by a prominent attorney, alleges the university’s law school gives hiring preference to women and people of color.
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Isn't it interesting that they're trying to frame themselves as initiating *that* war instead of the Civil War? Wannabe Confederates still don't like being called what they are. Probably because it reminds them they lost the first time.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
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Speaking as a semanticist, it's wild to me that they are phrasing it in terms of whether an *act* is characterized as "official", when what they seem to actually be talking about is whether there exists a *description* of the act that can be characterized as "official".
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*its the same picture gif*
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can we not make this a rehash of the 2020 primary and instead see harris as the most viable option in an extremely shitty situation
CNN's new poll: Trump leads Biden 49/43. Trump leads Harris 47/45. Some differences: —Independents: Biden -10%. Harris +3%. —People of color: Biden +21. Harris +29. The side-by-side:
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“And the next thing I knew, my 9-year-old son had told me about one of his friends who was in the LifeWise program, told him that he was going to hell because he didn't believe in Jesus,” Sogal said.
“An Ohio-based program offering Bible study during school time is expanding. The increasingly popular LifeWise Academy will be in 525 schools in 23 U.S. states next school year. Its slogan is “during school hours.”
Hilliard-based program offers Bible study during school hours. Some parents have concerns.www.wosu.org The increasingly popular LifeWise Academy will be in 525 schools in 23 U.S. states next school year. Its slogan is “during school hours.”
'It was an open secret within the sector that new postgraduate courses were being concocted not for pedagogical reasons, but on the assumption that a few dozen overseas students would pay upwards of £20,000 to take them, thereby bankrolling the research time of academics.' *Stares in 2014.*
How the Tories pushed universities to the brink of disasterwww.theguardian.com The long read: Over the past 14 years, the Conservative dream of a free market in higher education has collided with the harsh reality of austerity and the cultural resentment of the radical right – d...
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yup. I wrote about it years ago when very few people were talking about it. it has always been about a racist power grab.
And remember, the Christian Right only took up abortion as a topic after they lost school segregation for good when the IRS went after Bob Jones’ U status, & needed a new issue to rally the troops. 1/x all our issues are intertwined. 🧵
The little-known racist origins of the 'pro-life' abortion movement — Wagatwe Wanjukiwagatwe.com How white supremacy and the American “pro-life” political movement are inherently intertwined.
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"Abortion became a political tool of racist white evangelicals as a response to the Black civil rights movement...Displeased with...signs of Black people being treated like human beings, the founders of the modern anti-choice movement sought to find an issue to mobilize the conservative base."
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The Right lost their minds at Obama because he was the proof that despite all of the efforts to keep integration from happening (and it hasn’t happened), desegregation still works. Brown v Board was and is always the target.