
apparently in a Zoom with leadership, the ranking Dems on Administration (Joe Morelle), Armed Services (Adam Smith), and Veterans' Affairs (Mark Takano) said they want Biden to step aside, and the ranking Dems on Intelligence (Jim Himes) and Oversight (Jamie Raskin) were skeptical of Biden's chances
Lloyd Doggett can just kind of spout off because he's realistically never getting the W&M gavel he wants and has no allies or protégés who need protecting, Grijalva is still ranking on Natural Resources and in line to get his gavel back if Dems take the House in November
also Nadler, ranking on Judiciary, how'd I skip over him. I'd cite a specific source but every news outlet in Washington seems to have multiple sources leaking this Zoom to them so just, like, google it man
a Don Beyer aide tried to deny that his boss (formerly the chair of the bipartisan, bicameral Joint Economic Committee) also expressed deep concerns on the call and Punchbowl quote-dunked him with direct quotes where Beyer was like "look, I want it to be Kamala"
in the event that the ticket stays the same and wins anyway I do wonder what a second term Kamala does now that she knows the broader Democratic Party holds her in much higher esteem than her actual boss does 🥴
This really can't keep dragging on
The Democrats will just never give up being a bunch of pants-wetting chickenshits more eager to listen to pretty much anyone than their own voters, will they?