
I try to stay out of intra-Democrat conflict these days, but Biden's defenders underestimate how his age has become a symbol, especially for younger voters, of not just how the party has failed but all institutions. His refusal to budge validates Trump's "give up and give in" campaign message.
Fair. But there was a mechanism for expressing that (the primary). I dont know what “budging” would mean aside from withdrawal. He cant be just a little younger as a concession.
Try that argument with anyone skeptical of voting. They will point out, correctly, that there were no other options in the primary to vote for. And then what do you say? They're right. Biden bigfooted the competition. It's low grade corruption, but still corrupt.
Which candidate did they want to vote for and were prevented from doing so, who they would go and get all of their friends to vote for, who they would turn out every day to make sure people knew about and would vote for. I’m actually super curious who that person is.
Literally every single other Democrat could have managed the basic task of getting under Trump's skin. I could do it right now. Biden couldn't clear literally the lowest bar. I'm not asking for a perfect candidate. But someone who can say sentences and finish them would be better.
I just think this is all so awful, that Biden - a guy who has always stumbled in public speaking to the point that we all used to be like oh god what did he say now, does Obama have to clean it up - now must be perfect, all the time, never gets credit for when he can finish a sentence.
Meaning: he was fine in his campaign events before and after, in the state of the union, but one (admittedly highly catastrophic) debate, and media pile on and here we are. It’s baffling to me, because no matter what, we weren’t getting the progressive I and young voters wanted.
Right. I dont know what’s actually changed except that people have grist for their preexisting opinions.