
I think I hate this website. A third of the randos on here are the rudest fuckers without reading comprehension I’ve come across in ages, and I work as a trans woman in an almost entirely male industry.
Oh god I've just seen. Fucking salmon!
and I’ve even talked a lot about that, vehicle weight is a real concern, which is why I drove the lightest EV three row currently on sale!!! and we can work towards fixing tire plastics!!! aaaaa
Some people would just rather the entire world be not worth living in until we've gone back to square one, as a kind of self-flagellation. And like a lot of self-flagellating I'm not convinced it's not some kind of kink.
Honestly you might be right. I get people hate cars if they’ve only experienced them negatively but I don’t understand how it’s my job to fix everything in a single piece
I’m done trying to appease or even converse with them. They’re just as toxic as the people they bang on about, except instead of massive trucks it’s bicycles
I’m not saying become reactionary or anything in spite of them, but quite a few of these people are genuine headbangers and dumb histrionic subreddits like “r/fuckcars” have only emboldened them
This is exactly the reason I can't fuck with Not Just Bikes because he's simultaneously doomerpilled and snooty.
I found NJB's schtick entertaining for a while, there are some decent points in the vids and he seems far more level-headed than his rabid acolytes, but there are only so many times you can compare every other place in the world to friggin Amsterdam before it gets a bit samey.