
I think I hate this website. A third of the randos on here are the rudest fuckers without reading comprehension I’ve come across in ages, and I work as a trans woman in an almost entirely male industry.
I’m sorry every article I write does not cover every issue. I have to hit word count. I recognize as a trans woman that the only proper way to atone is to crucify myself for your always fair and level criticisms
WHOMST do I need to kneecap with a large trout?
And do you need some assistance in this endeavor?
I, too, am willing to lend a hand (or fish.)
big ol' salmon also acceptable
I could probably scare up a walleye or northern. We got options in Minnesota, but I don't think salmon is one of them :(
Fuck em, your articles rock and the most recent one made me even actually feel hope, which is a HUGE fucking ask for me today specifically lol
i took a peek at the offending poster's tl and it's a howlingly lonely wasteland devoid of friendship or otherwise meaningful interaction, so like, keep doing your wonderful thing it obviously bothers people with nothing else going on in their awful self-imposed prisons, i call that a success
I just started following you but I'm very fucking glad you're here and writing. You fucking rock. I know "Don't let the haters get to you" is trite, but honestly, if anyone is taking issue with the article you posted, that's really on them.
It really seems to have turned a corner for the worse, right?
Honestly might just leave it at this point. Twitter’s audience is better
If it helps any: I first heard of you through various podcasts, which led me to following you here and then actively reading your articles. Your Kia review today led me to your used Camry story, and that stuck with me all morning. It’s a long winded way of giving appreciation—thank you
thank you so much 💜💜💜💜
Can also say i heard of you first from podcasts (i think the oldsmobile diesel episode of WTYP?) and then found writings, and your bluesky and have enjoyed every bit of it. And as aside: I'm endlessly satisfied that kia hasn't moved to digital-everything interiors like tesla and mercedes EQE stuff.
Like, I’d still beg you not to for the obvious reasons but I can’t ignore that it really is better for journalists. It’s all kind of a bummer.
There do seem to be an AWFUL lot of people determined to only ever fixate on everything from terrible to imperfect, and never to understand that things are complicated and people are human.
For the record though, I and a lot of us would like you to stick around. There are reasons even I, a cis/het white dude, avoid "reading the comments" as much as I can. 'Cause I know how dumbass comments and replies can bring me down, even if most have been positive.
I just feel like the negativity gets in the way of actually trying to improve anything ever
Fr I understand people want radical solutions and the times we live in do pretty much demand it, but that extreme pessimism and letting demanding perfection impede imperfect but real progress just equals out to Bad, Actually
Yes, and the reward structure of social media makes far too many people approach communication like it’s the freaking Thunderdome. No give and take, just domination.
Like the thing is I make it through 90% of my days without hope. This article represents that 10% where I try to remain optimistic, which is I think why I get so upset about it lol
I hope you don’t, but I also completely get why you would
Idk, i briefly went back to Twitter and found it has devolved, with some open hostility between Car Twitter folks I’ve followed for a long time. Otherwise, there’s the obvious elephant in the room that is the current ownership, using the platform as a bullhorn for all things vile.
there's a hell of a sentence :\
It’s depressing but I feel like people there at least in my circles are slightly more good faith!
That is a crazy sentence to see and makes me wonder wtf kind of circles your posts end up on But I’ve absolutely seen some unhinged twitter level shit here, just not in my mentions yet
Ooof, it's really that bad? That's fucking grim. Totally understand if you do decide to bail - is there a good feed elsewhere to follow your work? (I unfortunately can't bring myself to go back on Twitter, though I suppose WTYP episodes aren't the worst way to keep up...)
it’s like mastodon lite. worse than twitter still, somehow. if you block a ton and subscribe to mute/block lists, it makes a huge difference. you can also restrict your replies to your followed only and now turn off replies to existing threads, if you want to stick around and try.
I’ll miss you if you leave but I can’t say I’d blame you at all
the only way to survive on bluesky is to block goobers early, and block often.
All of them are just full of garbage. It’s really sad.
I discovered you on here and love your writing and photography! And I preordered your book as a birthday gift for my partner because it's even more up their street.
Oh god I've just seen. Fucking salmon!
and I’ve even talked a lot about that, vehicle weight is a real concern, which is why I drove the lightest EV three row currently on sale!!! and we can work towards fixing tire plastics!!! aaaaa
Some people would just rather the entire world be not worth living in until we've gone back to square one, as a kind of self-flagellation. And like a lot of self-flagellating I'm not convinced it's not some kind of kink.
Honestly you might be right. I get people hate cars if they’ve only experienced them negatively but I don’t understand how it’s my job to fix everything in a single piece
I’m done trying to appease or even converse with them. They’re just as toxic as the people they bang on about, except instead of massive trucks it’s bicycles
I’m not saying become reactionary or anything in spite of them, but quite a few of these people are genuine headbangers and dumb histrionic subreddits like “r/fuckcars” have only emboldened them
Never heard of you before a few hours ago today but I really enjoyed your EV9 and Camry pieces. Cheers, thanks, and good luck!
Thank you so much!! The Camry piece was my favorite of the year, so glad you found it.
Camry one was gooooood
I'll miss your interesting articles and fashion sense. Some people need to post less.
I think I’ve blocked enough ppl that I only saw one negative comment on your article lol. And that person was also an easy block; anyone with “ban cars” in their description is not going to like what I have to say and vice versa. Blocking them makes both our experiences better
Sorry 😞 I like reading your stuff !
I followed you in Twitter, whenever you go like seeing your posts and articles
Do I have more articles that I have to flame? Because you know I'll do it.
(anti-flame? Controlled flaming?)