
seeing a bunch of people - who said three years ago that Roe would never fall, and eight years ago that Trump could never win - tell me that I’m being overly concerned today.
Everything is going to be fine as gray rain falls upon us in the Patroit Camp we've been assigned for speaking out against the king of America since we went to war with NATO. our ally Putin will send us reinforcements any day now. Now go back to reading the bible BUT ONLY THE KJV
they’re going to kill me way before I even get there lol
someone is going to post "move to California!" which sure, but also local governments won't build housing because "boo, new people in my neighborhood" and Newsom is very excited to give the cops the power to abuse the unhoused.
I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. As a society we have failed so you hard because some assholes wanted soundbites on cable news to get reelected and the rest of the government just let it happen
Honestly I’ve just come to terms with the fact that I need to find another reason than hope to get out of bed in the morning
Friends, family, cars. Don't turn a blind eye to the impending battle, but don't let it blind you from the things that bring you joy.
What I have to offer on that front is: - Mostly spite - Wanting to help loved ones in the little ways I can And real long shot, but!: - Maybe getting to be part of a leftist militia for a little bit before we die
I already live in Seattle. This is as safe as I can get, and the Court just took a case that will allow them to ban HRT entirely if they so choose, and they will, 6-3. I don’t even know what to do anymore.
All the NAFO guys are waiting for the T-34s in Ukraine, the twist is WE'LL be driving them
some broken clocks are still waiting for their time
Fuck, it's like parts of America are thinking "Let's redo the 1920's and 1930's, but this time do the shift from Weimar Germany to Nazi Germany instead of having New Deal Pt 2 and an FDR/TR-like figure updated for modern day".
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well its accurate insofar as we passed up bernie and now the rest is playing itself out maybe bidens even hindenburg in this analogy who knows
the problem with progressives is that we internalized the last 60 years of relatively linear progress as the inevitable arc of history, and not a miraculous deviation from the norm. There is nothing inherent to the Supreme Court or the Constitution or any other institution that will protect you
Everything that we take for granted today was built on a foundation of dirty tricks and violence, and we will never win it back playing by the rules
As someone who was in the latter group and is now feeling pretty nervous about November, you're right to be concerned. That said, similar to the situation with Roe, those of use in blue cities in blue states will be in the safer places and to the extent we can, focus on helping those who aren't.
Well you see, people with their heads buried in the sand are always shocked when they get run over by a damned stupid mob.
The biggest thing going for Biden is that his electoral campaign actually has money and organized volunteers. The Trump campaign is a shitshow in both finances and organization. I'm not saying it's a sure thing, but by conventional logic Trump should lose. 2016 made this less certain.
even going with the perspective that the state is an inherent good, Hillary was the most qualified to operate it in 2016 and she lost to a reality tv star who spoke crudely in public and lacked any kind of professional decoruum in comparison we're just watching the death rattle of both parties lol
Her campaign decided to take certain victories for granted that it really shouldn't have taken for granted and didn't do full campaigning in every swing state. Biden is not repeating that mistake, so I think my point stands about logistics. But him winning is just four more years being a hostage.