
seeing a bunch of people - who said three years ago that Roe would never fall, and eight years ago that Trump could never win - tell me that I’m being overly concerned today.
Everything is going to be fine as gray rain falls upon us in the Patroit Camp we've been assigned for speaking out against the king of America since we went to war with NATO. our ally Putin will send us reinforcements any day now. Now go back to reading the bible BUT ONLY THE KJV
they’re going to kill me way before I even get there lol
someone is going to post "move to California!" which sure, but also local governments won't build housing because "boo, new people in my neighborhood" and Newsom is very excited to give the cops the power to abuse the unhoused.
I already live in Seattle. This is as safe as I can get, and the Court just took a case that will allow them to ban HRT entirely if they so choose, and they will, 6-3. I don’t even know what to do anymore.