
Waited yesterday for washer repair to show at my parents' (never did--this is their 3rd no-show), then tackled another house catastrophe as their kitchen range burst into flame. I'm in need of some happy--so imagine my delight in finding these in my morning mail...thanks,
Omg I hope these brighten your day!!
They brightened not only the day, but the 2 weeks that have unfolded thereafter! Thankfully, I started with "Postcards" (I was ugly-crying thru the last 1/3 of the book), which, I think served to elevate "We Deserve This" to a near-hymn-of-praise-level! Every page perfect!
Each feature a celebration of the beautiful being united in-theme with the fantastic machine they chose--I happy-cried thru most of "We Deserve This," punctuating my tears with joyous pronouncements in-accord with the joyous manner in which all people were presented! I sincerely hope for a Volume 2!
Volume Two: East Coast... Volume Three: Third Coast[?] (Chicago & surroundings?)
I would love to do east coast and then the world!!!!