Vi La Bianca

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Vi La Bianca

Fellow Worker (he/they)
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Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
Reposted byAvatar Vi La Bianca
Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
Reposted byAvatar Vi La Bianca
Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*
Do the Hazbin Hotel girlies know about like 2010s Nightwish?
Reposted byAvatar Vi La Bianca
It’s probably best that I’ve basically abandoned my Twitter account. I’d get into so many fights with Marxists over what a shitty person their namesake was lol
I’ve never been my type before. This is new
Damn Trump for ruining America’s 200-year streak of definitely not criminal presidents.
I just got a thumbs up from a TSA agent, I think I won
I keep getting “sir”ed and then immediately corrected to “ma’am” when I start talking. Ugh. I need to get on T or get voice lessons or something because I keep outing myself and making everyone awkward.
Reposted byAvatar Vi La Bianca
When folks make fun of UK “cuisine” the Brits inevitably try to make it into a classism issue: “You’re making fun of poor people food!” No. I’ve spent the last four days eating ritzy white people food and it SUCKS.
I have truly perfected the art of gay yearning
It is impossible to write dystopia or satire when this is reality
I give up. There’s nothing I can possibly say in response to this
Reposted byAvatar Vi La Bianca
It’s pretty revealing that the press haven’t defended the students of *Columbia University* more vigorously. It’s the best journalism school in the English-speaking world. It gives out the Pulitzers. It has a legendarily good student body and faculty, the vast majority of whom oppose this.
What a shit day. I’m so angry. I don’t even know why.
The fact academics don’t blink at the word “neo-Dada” as a valid term is proof it’s all made tf up
The kind of love where you’d die for someone but not call them by their real name is not a kind of love I want.
Why am I so freakin cold all the time damn
There will never be enough time to read all the books.
Cops really are just the gang members no one else wanted
Of course the kids are depressed. And it’s not because they want what their parents & grandparents had. It’s because they’re seeing that what they’ve been told to want is a lie. And their parents & grandparents are shaming them for seeing through the facade.
You know what’s really fun (not)? Having to have a DTR conversation with my mom who, for some reason, is playing by fuckboy rules. Me: Mom, would you like to be in a relationship with me, a trans person? Mom (three days later): I’m thinking about it 👍
Reskeet with your mental state
Reskeet with your mental state
Me: Mom, I’m trans Mom: You MURDERED my FIRSTBORN???
I hated clothes shopping. It would start out so exciting and end in a mess of anger/anxiety/disgust with myself because nothing fit right. I thought I needed to lose weight (what every girl is taught will fix things). I suffered with disordered eating for years. Turns out I was just dysphoric AF.
on a serious note i think the point of TDOV is to share our stories not for cis people to cry over but so our siblings in waiting can see themselves in our reflections. trans people: quote this with a feeling you had before coming out that you thought you were alone in feeling
oh no I forgot that getting back on a stimulant means maladaptive daydreaming sessions where I choreograph entire made up film climaxes to movie soundtracks for hours accidentally oh nooooo