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Feeling my way around blsky. Cats lover. Lived through 50 years of GOP deconstructing a country designed for culturally diverse, community view, all people's vision.
Well, it wasn't a bullet; not from that rifle. If it knocked his ear, it should have hit his head as well. I hadn't seen the teleprompter's, but it's a theory that is possible. Who is "snopes?"
ideologies? This is irrational and illogical. Either people want to keep their say, their freedoms, their rights, their country or they want to be forced into being performing monkey's? ... 2
Have they learned nothing the last 8+ years that Trump has tried or done the things he said that were incompatible with any decency? That RepubliCons have been plotting a long time to corrupt our govt, force us all into compliance with their immoral ... 1
Re regulation - autocorrect thinks it can read.
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
Elon Musk is supporting Donald Trump and has pledged to donate $45,000,000 every MONTH to his campaign. Elon gets most of his wealth from his stocks. No person, including Elon, should own more than 5% of a Billion dollar company or 0.5% of a Trillion dollar company.
We definitely need deregulation here with caps. No one should require this much wealth to live. No one. How much is enough? And no wonder we have so many plotting against us to try to take us over. They think they are God's and no better because they were able to game the system & get away with it.
because glass particles made it visible. The kid was a bad shot and those who were shot, most likely were not aimed at. He's lying and milking; what he does best. ... 3
bandage looks worse. Trump said he heard something whizz by his ear. If he heard it; it did not hit him. He flinched after he heard the whizz by and subsequent shots because of the glass cut his ear and probably why the bullet was caught by someone in a photo, ... 2
Anyone who knows anything about this weapon knows he was not shot; shot at yes. Flying glass when the teleprompter was struck, hit him and he was cut on his wittle ear that a bandaide have taken care of it, but a big ... 1
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
Congratulations everyone. You have been selected to serve on Donald Trump's next jury. We The People are the last jury standing between Donald Trump & dictatorship. On November 5th, we WILL go to the polls and vote Donald Trump GUILTY! -Glenn Kirschner
Yeah, surrender your freedoms to Trump because Biden's old. So is Trump. 2nd/3rd/4th chances or none? I'm taking the former; not none. Dems have gotten dumb & desperate - to lose. ... 3
the primary? It wasn't because he was the only one... At least with Biden, there will be no Trump, no Manifesto, and keep America. Keep it or lose it? If Biden should kick the bucket, Kamala is there and we keep moving forward. Trump kicks - JDVance? Assassinated/Accident - whose next there? ...2
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
AP: "Nearly two-thirds of Democrats say President Joe Biden should withdraw from the presidential race and let his party nominate a different candidate, according to a new poll, sharply undercutting his post-debate claim that “average Democrats” are still with him" --
Nearly two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw, new AP-NORC poll The new poll sharply undercuts President Biden's post-debate claim that “average Democrats” are still with him.
Poll of 800; so 800 don't want Biden, because they think some green, behind the ears, will save the day? Against old man Trump, who has more tricks up his sleeves this youngun couldn't possibly imagine? But Biden can. So why did 87% vote for Biden in ... 1
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
i can't even imagine what this looks like if trump is president and his supporters hold agency positions but in addition to everything else, i'm really really sure that most american businesses are. not. prepared.
or forced? Your choice. I'm not picking forced. Pass the torch AFTER the threat; not 3-mos before. Most idiotic. A sure lose it all way... 4
further, he has Kamala to take over; you want JDVance to on Trump side? With Biden, we get to keep America, our say in things and keep our freedoms, liberty, rights. With Trump, well, his Manifesto isn't anything anyone would want to live under. Do you prefer freedom ... 3
nothing done and squandered Obama-Biden good economy and let a pandemic happen. Biden is asking for 4 years; not life, like Trump. He is asking to finish his good work; Trump & fake religious wants to take America away from us all. If Biden should happen to decline ... 2
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
What's wrong with this puff piece on Biden? 1) It correlates the "doesn't move so smoothly" of Biden & FDR. FDR had been paralysed from the waist down 11 years before he became POTUS, FFS! It had NOTHING to do with a deteriorated mind (Biden's case). 2) Biden's mind is pretty bad now. See image👇.
Biden's mind is not bad. He is aging, yes, but not mentally incapacitated like Trump and his ilk's are. There's are mental illness on a grander scale. Biden could not possibly have done all the things he has if his "mind" was gone. Trump admin was nothing but chaos and disorganization. He got ... 1
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
A MAGA Military? Vet Exposes Project 2025 and Trump via @votevets 🇺🇸
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
Ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro to speak at RNC after prison release: Former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro, newly released from federal prison, is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention.
Ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro to speak at RNC after prison Former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro, newly released from federal prison, is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention.
RNC LOVE their depraved and low life's don't they? I don't see how they can look their kids in the eyes everyday. Their kids know what they are and if they don't; soon will. Can't hide this from them no matter what.
Home of the brave, land of the free; does that sound like that Project 2025 Manifesto or what Trump says? ... 3
his worshippers in; not giving up good work already done & we waited decades for. They can go create hell with Putin or the villain of their choice. Hell has no morals, principles or values. America was supposed to be the good guy; not carbon copy of deceit, lies & depraved. ... 2
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
Pretty fucking revealing that these guys were planning to pounce on Biden since before the debate, huh?
Sucks to suck, i guess
I think the joke will be on them if enough of us, who appreciate Biden's hard work & dedication to all, stick together to help him win. He may be older and wiser now, but what's waiting at the gate is pure hell and I'm not letting that devil & ... 1
Let's hope that is a plan and not a give-away.
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
Reposted byAvatar Vivalavoices
@LeMonde_EN: Writer Corinne Maier: 'It's time for women to assert their right to selfishness'