
Yes, maybe there's some clever version of hardball Biden's team can come up with, something that doesn't involve ordering assassinations. But one thing he *should* be able to say is "I reject the idea that the president is above the law, and I vow never to use this illegitimate 'immunity' defense."
My best idea so far: 1) Have Willie Nelson get himself photographed smoking a joint in a scenic spot on federal park land in a blue, pot-friendly state: still a federal crime. 2) Order executive branch to arrest, prosecute. 3) Sell him a pardon. Charge him one signed guitar. 4) Donate it to charity.
Eye-catching, headline-grabbing stuff. Clearly illegal, clearly corrupt, clearly the use of his executive powers all the way through (so long as he has deniability for Willie smoking the joint in the first place I guess, but, hell, he could deputize Willie to go do it). All without hurting anyone.
Wasn't Willie Nelson already pardoned for that with the blanket pardon last year?