
Republicans in Congress are preparing to not just extend former president Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts if they win control of Washington in November’s elections, but also lower rates even more for corporations, laying the groundwork for a debate over taxes and spending next year and beyond.
Republicans pitch tax cuts for corporations, the wealthy in Trump has asked wealthy donors or donations, promising large tax breaks in return if he retakes the White House.
Question: Which of the two people in the accompanying photograph is a Republican? Asking for someone who thinks that images in an article should match the words in the article.
Absolutely. This is a conscious decision. They are actively trying to mislead people. They want those tax cuts and know they’re incredibly unpopular, so they try to unconsciously link it to the people they don’t want to win.
it's about time the rich people catch a break
I'm sure the new editors of the WaPo will be very, very upset if Trump doesn't win.
What is wrong with your editors? The photo should at least somehow connect with the headline. You deliberately trashed the current administration in a mis-matched picture for what? to get points?
They already own well more than half the country, literally and figuratively. they're ***running out of everyone else's fffking money***, and many people are saying that Mdme. French Revolution is consulted for advice
Better framing: “Republicans in Congress are preparing to not just increase former president Donald Trump’s massive deficit spending if they win control of Washington in November’s elections…”
The debate: Rs: no one knows why, but we just don't have the funding to be paying out any money to anyone, for anything, anymore Progressives: we do know & it's you eliminating taxes for the rich entirely Rs: it's a mystery Estab Ds: CHIP IN PLZ? Media: roots of severe austerity remain unknown
and this is why the media will always have the Republicans’ backs. Their billionaire owners first priority is having more tax cuts (and more of an ability to take advantage of everyone else). Whenever you see them minimizing horrible shit Trump & the GOP do or normalizing fascism, this is why.
Make sure you lock up the loss before they lock you up.
Joe and Betty Beercan, the heart and soul of Trump’s “populist” platform, are all about furthering wealth inequality? Maybe Trump will introduce Ideological Taxing where your tax base depends on whether you’re a member of the Democratic Party.
It's a lovely thought for those with damaged brains but there is ONE big snag ..THEY won't be there!