
Jill Biden appeared unmoved by panic over Joe Biden’s debate performance while speaking at a campaign event in North Carolina. “I said, ‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president,’” she said.
Jill Biden appears unmoved by panic over Joe Biden’s debate “When he gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that’s what we’re doing today,” the first lady told attendees at a New York fundraiser.
I think it's more important to not let those 90 minutes define the coming four years.
Jill Biden is a clear and present danger to democracy. She's going to hand Trump another term.
If the world worst democratic candidate is foisted upon voters it's not for them to be held to ransom to have to vote for him for democracies sake. The more important choice is made by the President and his close circle to let voters have someone they feel even slight enthusiasm about
Enthusiasm or not, it’s their fault. They made the bed. If the alternative candidate wishes to end democracy and turn us into an authoritarian Christian nationalist state, and sitting out the election in protest of a candidate seems a feasible idea? You’re the problem. Point blank.
I don't agree. If the parties decision processes over the next two months yield an extremely unpopular candidate incapable of inspiring the votes required to build an electoral majority then the fault lies with the key figures in the party.
Fault of the failure of democracy falls on the voters ultimately. You can’t wash your hands if you choose not to stand up against a rising fascism. That’s still on you.
Ok can we let genocide define it
"Genocide Joe" defines it much more clearly. Fucking Nazis.
Those 90 minutes have nothing to do with the past four years. No one can take away what he’s accomplished. But he only “deserves” four more years if he wins the election. And there’s a shit-ton at stake.
Accomplished a genocide 👍🏻
Trump will kill all Palestinians. He called Biden a Palestinian as a derogatory comment.
That’s Netanyahu. He has continued to enable it, however. Essentially America’s gun problem on an international stage. Sure he didn’t pull the trigger, but he sold the bump stocks.
You allowed Trump to use Palestinian as a slur. How is this acceptable?
I agree the debate will not define his legacy in politics. But he has to become much more visible to voters still undecided. Live chats addressing 2 or 3 key issues with small groups several times this summer. Show he and VP Harris interacting w/ America. Show their contrast to the traitor Trump!
Has this rag called for the walking Felon to drop out? He constantly spews word salad and gets million dollar judgements handed to him for assault, fraud, more fraud, etc., etc.
It's great that clearly, they are SO fond & proud of each other. I think folks should stop panicking & maybe realize that he had a nasty cold, glazed eyes, husky voice, & possibly a mild fever on the 27th! 🤨 Next day, he felt much better, but still had a bad cough. Eyes more clear, clearer voice. 👍
So he's had a cold for 4 years, ✔️. 👍🏽
To each his own, 'Gus Gus Almighty,' Toilet Seat Profile Picture...Have a great day! ✔️👍
Why would anyone be moved by a momentary panic over a muted debate, when no one watched it (lowest viewer ratings ever for a debate) and those who were undecided totally endorse Joe ?
Losing the election because Biden can’t admit he’s no longer the strongest candidate is far more likely to sully a solid four years than being honest with himself and the country about what we all saw on that debate stage. We need a brokered Democratic convention
I hate that between an octogenarian with a cold and life long stutter who was having trouble get the words out while also addressing the gish gallop of the septuagenarian with frontotemporal dementia who was spouting nonsense but was confident, that people say the malignant narcissist “won”
Please don’t make me cancel my sub. Already did it with NYT because of their fascist enabling BS. did you run with any narrative like this when the other guy became a felon?
She’s turning into a full-on liability. WTF
Jill campaigning and making strong clear comments in a possible swing state this far into the campaign is a bullseye. Put her in the engine’s spot, let her pull the train!
Honestly. They shouldn’t. He should step aside and endorse someone else so that his incredibly successful 4 years aren’t marred by that performance. I mean. Sure. The genocide will look poorly in history books, but he should take the W’s he had and pass the torch. Quickly and vociferously.
She's a great first lady. Supportive as hell and genuinely seems to give a shit. Unlike Melania, who is probably the most disinterested "I didn't sign up for this shit" First Lady of all time.
в Индии это очень уважаемые были люди всегда
а где марш учителей? что мы не за Порно. Почему жена не работала с школьными комитетами чтобы навели в США порядок после советских маньяков?
а для меня Он надменный и циничный ДЖО. Который ещё должен опускаться до уровня Дональда? Дака? .. Он был зол. и необычайно хорош собой кстати
вы верите в расы? и в негров?
в сети кто снова лжет и травит на демократов? демократы были за сохранение рабства и выступали против протекционизма, не желая торговых войн с Англией, крупнейшим покупателем американского хлопка
Политические партии США — Википедия
Примечательно, что начало американской партийной системы положили именно критики партий, Гамильтон и Мэдисон кажется выборы через партии как аз и запрещено
Так, в «Записках федералиста» Александр Гамильтон в 9-й статье и Джеймс Мэдисон в 10-й, писали о вреде внутренних политических фракций. Тем не менее, необходимость завоёвывать поддержку избирателей на выборах привела к тому, что уже в начале 1790-х годов образовались первые политические партии.
Вашингтон не был членом какой-либо партии ни на момент своего избрания, ни в течение пребывания на посту первого президента США. Кроме того, он, опасаясь конфликтов и застоя, считал, что «в правительствах народного толка, в избранных правительствах такого рода [партийный] дух не следует поощрять»
16 сентября 1787 года на Конституционном конвенте в Филадельфии была принята Конституция США. В ней не было ни слова о политических партиях, которых на тот момент в стране не существовало. Мало того, отцы-основатели молодой североамериканской республики были противниками деления общества на партии.
но он очень умный( и им нужен представитель
вы когда то писали что Байден лечился от заикания( а не деменции ставить диагноз
His 4 years as president WILL be defined if he runs again and loses, instead of handing the reigns to someone more likely to build an electoral college majority in 2024.
I don’t care the good job Biden has done, I want to keep Trump from coming back and Biden’s poll numbers are mindblowingly bad.
They don’t define the four years of his presidency. They will define the four years after it, though.
Nobody demanding for Joe Biden to step down has described what method they would use to void the ballots of millions of primary voters. Nor have they proposed a candidate everyone else would agree on. Nor have they proposed a means to *fund* this brand-new campaign, which would start with $0.
That's why some of us were saying it before the primary even began. Joe himself said it last election.
Jill is a great smart woman and a real support and first lady. What does Melania actually do - I mean, when she's not trading her husband's donations for 60,000 dollars worth of handbags again?
There's still time for Joe to step aside and let Jill run. Pretty sure she's all around a better choice.