


Reposted by Pvnk'd
Fucking hilarious NYT put their "But her emails" correspondent on a Biden story, when they pay her a lot of money to maintain non-stop access to Trump's camp.
Reposted by Pvnk'd
"Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation responded by echoing Trump's threats of violence. "He declared, 'We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.'" www.salon.com/2024/07/03/g...
Republican glee over "immunity" decision shows they don't fear Donald Trump — they desire a dictatorwww.salon.com Trump has threatened to have people killed, and GOP politicians aren't bothered in the slightest
Reposted by Pvnk'd
"Look, the Wall Street Journal lists all these companies that did poorly after they initiated diversity initiatives." Huh, looks like most of them were also acquired by private equity groups in leveraged buyouts, and then conducted stock buybacks. "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO ACTUALLY READ THAT FAR!"
Reposted by Pvnk'd
I’m quite confused by the collection of Supreme Court decisions… The executive branch enacting the laws of congress via regulation is illegal. But the executive doing illegals acts is now legal? So if the executive enforces regulations, which is now illegal, that’s legal again?
Reposted by Pvnk'd
After five years and over 100 violations, Tesla's Fremont factory has been ordered to abate illegal pollution by the local regulator! I've been reporting about this since 2019, a story nobody else wanted to touch, and was beginning to believe nothing would ever happen! apnews.com/article/tesl...
Tesla ordered to stop releasing toxic emissions from San Francisco Bay Area plantapnews.com Tesla must fix air quality problems at its electric vehicle manufacturing facility in the San Francisco Bay Area after racking up more than 100 violations for allegedly releasing toxic emissions into ...
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Fox News returns to “migrant crime” fixation as migrant crossings, crime plummet www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox...
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Why to read past headlines: If you haven't seen the FTC post that was so funny it went viral. But, for a short and readable article, I get into how all tech is getting scammier. And how the Biden administration is cracking down. So tech turns to con artist Trump. www.salon.com/2024/06/24/a...
A viral blog post from a bureaucrat exposes why tech billionaires fear Biden — and fund Trumpwww.salon.com Silicon Valley increasingly depends on scammy products, and no one is friendly to grifters than Trump
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Them Arby's fries fire AF
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Touching! How Kevin Spacey Inspired Former SPD Chief to Come Out as Gay Right After Being Accused of Sex Crimes: tinyurl.com/42mjpafb
Reposted by Pvnk'd
The pastor of the 9th largest church — and a Trump advisor — has apparently been outed for molesting a 12-year-old. This is why evangelicals support Trump. They don't see sexual abuse as disqualifying for men. It can even bolster their reputation. www.salon.com/2024/06/18/a...
Another evangelical abuse scandal: They back Trump because they tolerate thiswww.salon.com Robert Morris, one of Trump's religious advisers, admits to "inappropriate" behavior — his reported victim was 12
Cool down time at my cheap ass gym.
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Reposted by Pvnk'd
From sheephead to seabirds, we’re excited to sea-lebrate the fluidity of the ocean with you! Sign up for our texting program during Pride Month and we’ll send you a weeklong series of fun facts and stories about the queerness of nature.  Click mbayaq.co/aqpride or text AQPRIDE to 54159 to join! 🌈💖
Reposted by Pvnk'd
there are frequent reminders that palestinian lives just don’t count in the west, but an operation that killed 200+ to save 4 hostages being celebrated like it’s a success is a visceral one
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Reposted by Pvnk'd
I think Star Wars fans resent Disney bc they have to admit that they're grown adults who have built a personality around a Disney brand
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Every June 1 I think of this and it's funny every time
Remember to leave out bricks for Martha P Johnson
Reposted by Pvnk'd
I call this passage The Discovery of America
Reposted by Pvnk'd
crazy that France is backing the ICC warrant. do you understand how bad shit has to be before France calls you out for mistreating Arabs
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Reposted by Pvnk'd
Reposted by Pvnk'd