
This is top article on front page. "...Mr. Biden’s voice has grown softer and raspier, his hair thinner and whiter... adding to an impression of frailty. Mr. Trump, by contrast, does not appear to be suffering the effects of time in such visible ways." NYT can go fuck itself with a rented dick.
Trump talks crap about "failing New York Times" any chance he get, and yet they want him to win election so badly. I hate that rag.
AYFKM. Trump has VERY visibly become more addled and incoherent (and that’s saying something). He has trouble remembering who he ran against in 2016, and what the highest numbered world war was.
He wasn’t even up to the rigors of the job 8 years ago Today he can’t even make it through an 8:30 start at is own goddamn trial