
This is top article on front page. "...Mr. Biden’s voice has grown softer and raspier, his hair thinner and whiter... adding to an impression of frailty. Mr. Trump, by contrast, does not appear to be suffering the effects of time in such visible ways." NYT can go fuck itself with a rented dick.
Trump talks crap about "failing New York Times" any chance he get, and yet they want him to win election so badly. I hate that rag.
They made more money when he was in power. Trump is catnip for political drama reporters because his White House was leaky and full of juicy drama, which all drives tons of clicks and subscriptions. It's like how Twitter kinda hit a downswing even before the Elon sale, after Trump was banned.
New York Times stock performance during: Trump administration +260% Biden administration +5%
Hey, Donald Trump is a growth opportunity and they have a duty to their stockholders.
Ironically... S&P during Trump: +44% S&P during Biden: +44%
The New York Times really likes Donald Trump and wants him to win.
They want the stories about how Trump is hurting people because leftists will click on those. I will give them no more clicks. None.
Talk about not seeing the (burning) forest for the trees
I mean, none of them will likely experience negative consequences from his actions (or so they tell themselves).
Maybe I'm unrealistic but I feel news agencies should be biased in favor of democracy, just a little
I do not disagree. It's really unfortunate what has happened to journalism in the last two decades. Click-based ad revenue, Facebook's fake pivot to video taking out a ton, the incentives of subscriptions in terms of audience capture and bias, the profession is a shell, mostly of trust-fund babies.
AYFKM. Trump has VERY visibly become more addled and incoherent (and that’s saying something). He has trouble remembering who he ran against in 2016, and what the highest numbered world war was.
You wouldn't know it from reading the paper of record.
But he's still the exact same shade of orange!!!
And he can’t walk down stairs unassisted or stay awake for a couple of hours at a time, even with stimulants, at his own criminal trial. Has anyone ever seen him on a bike?
Show some respect for the veteran of the battle at West-Point ramp.
He wasn’t even up to the rigors of the job 8 years ago Today he can’t even make it through an 8:30 start at is own goddamn trial
One of the frustrating things about all this is the way he benefits from no expectations: he can froth about postnatal abortions and not know when events occurred, but it gets put down to his lifelong dishonesty and disinterest in facts instead of the high probability he's going senile.
Also Trump spouting word diarrhea isn't newsworthy for them, but a single Biden's gaffe is a sensation, a scandal.
They will burn the world down to avoid a perfectly legitimate tax rate, because whatever they try to present themselves as, they will never give up the money, and more importantly the power and the privilege it grants; which is why we shall have to take it, either through the attrition of time or...
I don't even think they're smart enough to want him to win. They feel like they're comfy regardless, and if Biden loses they'll just smugly congratulate themselves about the power of the Fourth Estate and if he wins they'll say they were Just Asking Necessary Questions.
These guys are the German Bourgeoisie of 1935 who thought Hitler was vulgar, crass, and boorish, but if he gets into power it's the fault of the shrill hysterics of the left who can't come up with a sensible centrist message factory owners and factory workers alike can rally behind.
Somebody mentioned that NYT stock was up 250% during the Trump/COVID period and has underperformed the stock market since Biden was elected or so, so anything to bump the stock price.
So... the Gray Lady is Trump's bitch.
ag sulzberger is on a mission to unmake democracy