
I appreciate a good sympathetic reading, but ultimately you will not change the people who insist that Trump is a more honest choice for progressives. that's because the whole motive there is punitive--not about the slow, often demoralizing work of activism so much as sticking it to Joe Biden.
I mention this mostly because I sometimes feel I'm going crazy on here! but truly, the impulse to somehow punish Democrats by ushering in Trump is just another way of cosplaying for the so-called revolution that will only ever exist online in quarreling leftist forums.
I have been pummeled by people here who are telling me that instead of voting for one of the two viable choices on the ballot, I should be working to restructure society. Im 67 and have been at that for a bit . While I applaud the optimism that thinks we can do it by November; not gonna happen.
Yep. I’m a public defender and I volunteer at my local food bank. I’m all about improving society by non-electoral means. But if we don’t vote, I’m going to be arguing to worse judges, and the food bank is going to be overwhelmed because people will lose food stamps. Voting is part of it.
voting for judges i always look at the review list and vote out anyone without a perfect rating, as most of them have one is this a good policy or am i judging judges wrong
Varies by state. Mine has a judicial performance evaluation commission, and I follow its recommendations (reelect or don’t) unless I personally know the judge and disagree. So I don’t know what a perfect rating in your state means or what it consists of.
which appears to be meets expectations or doesnt, kind of a pass/fail. i think it used to be numerical or im remembering something else
It might be worth researching the commission to see if they’re crazy, but in general, I think relying on this kind of recommendation makes sense!