
I’ve had Nigerians mad at me for not getting the “Nigerian prince scam” reference and I’ve had Indians jump on a joke about Vivek, but the Irish are making a strong showing in the contest for humorless scolds today
It’s always fun to see a joke tweet rile up idiots, but this one surprised me. I’d always thought the Irish understood humor
It would have avoided all this if you had just added “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
some people who hate biden and are thick as rocks are assuming that saying biden is Irish must be a sly insult towards the Irish
the context is that the media are calling him senile so the joke "he's not senile he's just Irish" is, in point of fact, a very blatant insult
that was not the joke dummy
it's the same joke wearing a fake fucking moustache
it was never the joke and only people who hate biden would have assumed it was an insult to biden and therefore an insult to the irish