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Mini Painter and Hobbyist | Video Game Enthusiast | MTG Commander Noob | Cocktail Crafter | Kingkiller Chronicles Lore-Knower | He/Him
Finished painting my first #tron inspired #battletech mech! "I fight for the users". Next up one in red to fight for the MCP. These def take a little longer to get all the tiny lines in place and I was worried about how it would turn out but I think the results are worth it! #minipainting
bsky.app/profile/wear... WIP on the User's Champion. This is tough, using a fine enough brush dries out on the tip of the brush very fast. Diluted the paint for more working time and ran the risk of flooding the area slightly. Def taxing my eyes, hands, and paint control so far. Rewarding though!
I asked my girlfriend what should be next for my #battletech mechs and she challenged me to paint two #Tron inspired mechs, one that fights for the users and one in league with the MCP. I think in this scale it might be a challenge but I am excited to try!
Pay no mind to the friendly frog. Clone troopers from #shatterpoint I did recently. I wanted to create a dynamic but still white armor. The left one I did this week, the right one I did a month ago. Both turned out well but I think I was more successful at 'white' on the left one. #minipainting
There are a lot of good examples out there but I think primarily taking inspiration from the "Recognizers" will help lead me through. I think I will want some white in the glow to help push the illumination of the effect and I'll probably go lighter grey on the blue to push more variance
Mech 3 rolls off the assembly line! Only 1 more until I have a Lance (note I do not know what a lance means other than '4 mechs in a team, like a classic d&d party') Photography is hard! In any-case I think this one turned out pretty well, maybe behind pink, ahead of green. #battletech #minis
2nd #battletech model done! Trying out more bold colors today. Are these too busy or do they still read okay? #minipainting
This image I found on pintrest was my color inspiration for this model.
The model itself is all finished up I think! I am really pleased with how it came out. Never did a 6mm scale mini before (I think that's what #battletech is). #minipainting
Started painting my first battletech mech. Having a lot of fun with colors on this and happy with the progress. Didn't like how crunchy the rules are, but we did like a lot. We will probably end up homebrewing rules to a complexity we can enjoy. #WIP #battletech #catapult #minipatining #mech
#pixelart #mspaint #mushroom whenever I'm not painting minis 90% of the time the only things that come out of my brain are mushrooms and frogs
I finished my Zagreus model! Its been a lot of work but I am pretty pleased with the results. It pushed me to try _a lot_ of new things that were pretty scary as I continued to like the early stages. #minipainting #hades #zagreus
I like warhammer, star wars, and assorted cute miniatures! #miniatures #findfolkfriday
My brother game me a Korok mini from Breath of the Wild for Christmas so I decided to give him a nice snowy base with custom snowman to help set the scene. I'm really happy with the snowman and how the snow came out. Might do some touchups on the tree but really pleased with the rest #minipainting
Finished up my Mandalorians for #shatterpoint so I did a group photo, included my #legion Mandos as well! #minipainting #miniatures
whoops looks like i missed one
Finished up these MagnaGuards for #StarWars #Shatterpoint. I have been experimenting with mixing speed paint and traditional acrylics. It helps me create bigger color contrasts than I would probably push for if it was all Acrylics .
I know a wizards inspiration when I see one! Great stuff!
Finished up this duel box for shatterpoint! it was a lot of fun to paint, very cool models.
I vanished for a month but I'm back with a freshly painted model! I painted this raven druid over the weekend and while (naturally) photography reveals some touch-ups I might like to do I am pretty happy with the results. #minipainting #hobby
Waiting (is the hardest part) for four "Bite the Bullet" models to arrive from an etsy shop. Do I have dozens of grey and/or unbuilt minis already? Yes. Do I feel like painting of those right now? No. I want the ones I recently picked out on Etsy.
Made a cocktail last night! 2oz plantation rum, 2oz pineapple, 3/4oz dry Curacao, .5oz hypatia amaro, dry tangerine peel garnish Pretty nicely balanced, hypatia added some depth, maybe not all together asked for in a otherwise straightforward drink but all in all I liked it
Back to #spooktober minis! My black coach is definitely a personal fav in my collection, it's basically the reason I have #nighthaunt. I painted this up a few years ago and was a big step forwards for me in painting quality at the time! #minipainting #ageofsigmar #warhammer
My coat of arms. #porkroll #heraldry
Finish my platypus pirate from #cobramode! I think he came out pretty cute and dashing. What do you suppose his name is? Must start with a B right? #minipainting
My latest work in progress. Took some swings at non-metallic metals, examples of steel, brass and gold attempted. Next up is to seal it in and work up a base for him
#spooktober minis continue! This is my Olynder. Terrifying model to work with due to delicacy. Tried to give it subtle support with basing so it survives use and travel. Wasn't sure how I liked the model at first but now I love it! #minipainting #nighthaunt #ageofsigmar
My Awlrach the drowner from #ageofsigmar #nighthaunt. I played with some water effects to simulate the model producing its own ocean as it moved. I really like Charon imagery so I was really excited for this model when it came out. #minipainting #spooktober #warhammer
Not my most beautiful creation but some recent work trying to learn better lighting effects #spooktober #minipainting
Who does Barcus Wroot #baldursgate3 look like? Everytime I run across him I just think "how do I know this man?"
This was made as part of a 'Secret Santa' with a group of other hobbyists a couple years ago. I wanted to make it something special so they would love using it in their army! I gave it the snowy feel and tactical rocks to stand one to stand out. #minipainting #warhammer #ageofsigmar