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Mini Painter and Hobbyist | Video Game Enthusiast | MTG Commander Noob | Cocktail Crafter | Kingkiller Chronicles Lore-Knower | He/Him
Reposted byAvatar Weary
Josie lays it out very clearly: "In Weimar Germany, where the German Communist Party was far more robust and ready to fight in the streets, the revolution-oriented strategy—allowing a fascist victory to raise urgency and bring about a more lasting leftist one—didn’t work."
My Slate essay on why leftists should vote for the Democratic Presidential candidate this November, despite everything:
The Leftist Case for Voting—Yes, Even for Bidenslate.com We need to think about this election differently. Just look at France.
Reposted byAvatar Weary
It took a while but I finally completed painting my largest project yet. I was apprehensive doing the firelight but glad I did Fire Keeper
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Finished painting my first #tron inspired #battletech mech! "I fight for the users". Next up one in red to fight for the MCP. These def take a little longer to get all the tiny lines in place and I was worried about how it would turn out but I think the results are worth it! #minipainting
I asked my girlfriend what should be next for my #battletech mechs and she challenged me to paint two #Tron inspired mechs, one that fights for the users and one in league with the MCP. I think in this scale it might be a challenge but I am excited to try!
I mean this in the absolute best way, this would look incredible on a Magic card!
Reposted byAvatar Weary
June is over, July has begun. Time for another mini comp. This month the theme is…Make a Splash. No restrictions except you must include a liquid effect in your mini. Blood, slime, water, whatever. Resin, UHU, PVA, any medium you like but it must look wet. #Nerdlings #MiniOfTheMonth
bsky.app/profile/wear... WIP on the User's Champion. This is tough, using a fine enough brush dries out on the tip of the brush very fast. Diluted the paint for more working time and ran the risk of flooding the area slightly. Def taxing my eyes, hands, and paint control so far. Rewarding though!
I asked my girlfriend what should be next for my #battletech mechs and she challenged me to paint two #Tron inspired mechs, one that fights for the users and one in league with the MCP. I think in this scale it might be a challenge but I am excited to try!
Pre-ordered mine! looking forwards to getting it :)
It looks great, it looks so.... 'wanna reach out and touch it'
Pay no mind to the friendly frog. Clone troopers from #shatterpoint I did recently. I wanted to create a dynamic but still white armor. The left one I did this week, the right one I did a month ago. Both turned out well but I think I was more successful at 'white' on the left one. #minipainting
I asked my girlfriend what should be next for my #battletech mechs and she challenged me to paint two #Tron inspired mechs, one that fights for the users and one in league with the MCP. I think in this scale it might be a challenge but I am excited to try!
There are a lot of good examples out there but I think primarily taking inspiration from the "Recognizers" will help lead me through. I think I will want some white in the glow to help push the illumination of the effect and I'll probably go lighter grey on the blue to push more variance
for real, its downright rude of the camera. I want to take close up images because the minis are so small, but the camera really wants more space between the lens and the target. I am sure there are good answers for it using stock cameras on phone but I am a novice still!
Mech 3 rolls off the assembly line! Only 1 more until I have a Lance (note I do not know what a lance means other than '4 mechs in a team, like a classic d&d party') Photography is hard! In any-case I think this one turned out pretty well, maybe behind pink, ahead of green. #battletech #minis
Reposted byAvatar Weary
Hello! I'm Winston, a British freelance illustrator and comic artist. This is my dedicated feed for my Pokemon fan-comic, "Off The Beaten Track". You can check out my other work @cwingsyun.bsky.social #OTBT_Webcomic #Pokemon #Comics
Similar to the other people here I see that Fox and the Forest art and it really just strikes you. Everything here is really great and just further makes me wanna read Usagi someday.
As a major noob I'm curious, how did the armies get created/balanced, how large was the game and how long did it take to complete a game?
that battlefield looks rad!
Reposted byAvatar Weary
I don't paint many animals, but found this fellow who looks like they know where sausage comes from.
Thanks! And of course :) I am more 'arts and crafts' than artist anyway
This is so cool! I wanna print it out and try my hand at finishing it :eyes:
It can be scary to be that bold with colors (at least to me, I hate the idea of burning hours on something that doesn't look good) but its very liberating! If you want to see some examples of truly inspiring bold mini painting check out www.youtube.com/channel/UCyi...
Dice'n demonswww.youtube.com Welcome to Dice'n Demons! This is a channel all about the important things in life: plastic toy soldiers! Here I'll be talking about Warhammer 40000 and Age of Sigmar and I'll have painting and terrai...
Oh man, that description definitely unlocks some memories, definitely fitting here lol
These look great! Whats the mech on the right, the model is really cool!
2nd #battletech model done! Trying out more bold colors today. Are these too busy or do they still read okay? #minipainting
This image I found on pintrest was my color inspiration for this model.
How do people do basing for 6mm? I have model sand but its gears towards 28mm. The grains would be like rocks/boulders at this scale. Im considering some clay for minor elevation variation and just paint. Keep it thin so so it looks like the feet are somewhat embedded in the ground without rebasing.