Wester van Gaal

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Wester van Gaal


Journalist @euobs in Brussels - EU politics, climate, green finance. Formerly @vice @decorrespondent
COP29 host Azerbaijan among petrostates facing major fiscal risks from declining fossil fuel demand, says Carbon Tracker ~50% of its oil & gas revenue is at risk if countries meet their climate pledges + those earnings make up nearly 70% of govt revenue overall… carbontracker.org/reports/petr...
Fresh and concerning heating data out of Germany. Although a record number of heat pumps were sold, the same was true for gas AND oil boilers. www.bdh-industrie.de/presse/press...
NEW: The EU is relying on uncertain imports to meet its overly-ambitious hydrogen targets. T&E looked at 6 key export countries: Chile, Oman, Norway, Egypt, Namibia & Morocco.  Despite the hype around H2, just 1% of the planned green hydrogen projects has received financing. 🧵
Somehow missed this when it came out: the US' planned pipeline of new fossil gas extraction projects will unlock emissions equivalent to 1,033 new coal plants. Kinda puts the US finger-wagging developing countries for coal at COP28 in context hey www.symonspa.com/post/report-...
Covid really exposed the weaknesses and strengths of everyone. the US can’t govern for shit but we can fling money at things, sometimes. the EU can regulate but they are late stage alcoholic levels of addicted to austerity
Today's reminder that - despite our deeply parochial National Conversation™️ since 2021 - inflation has been primarily a cross-national phenomenon & US policymakers' handling of it has been far better than any of our G7 peers www.oecd.org/sdd/prices-p...)
Sidenote n.a.v. deze brisante uitspraak: de enige partij die nadrukkelijk met 'woke' standpunten campagnevoerde, verloor onlangs zijn enige lullige zeteltje. Ook weer niet zo heel gevoelig dus.
Norway oil and gas minister on the #COP28 decision: "Nothing changes for Norway" A new analysis came out today showing Norway is going to spend far more than expected on opening up new oil and gas fields...... e24.no/energi-og-kl...
Aasland om klimaavtalen: – Endrer ingenting for Norgee24.no Verdens land har blitt enige om å omstille seg vekk fra fossile brensler. Men det vil ikke bety at Norge skal endre egen olje- og gasspolitikk.
Adorno objected to the term "genocide" on the grounds that it would become thinkable, something to be regulated, eventually a routine policy that could be scheduled in advance. Not unlike Israel calmly announcing they'll get back to bombing apartments, schools and hospitals in just a few days.
Even los van hoe absurd het is om te zeggen dat er ‘iets mis is met onze diversiteit’ als niemand op je redactie op een radicaalrechtse antimensenrechtenpartij heeft gestemd.
Hier word ik gewoon kotsmisselijk van. Die constante verheerlijking van de PVV’er en BB’er als nobele wilde, slachtoffer van de vernielzuchtige randstedeling. Alsof de chartervluchten niet vol PVV’ers zitten.
EU finance ministers stand on the cusp of committing one of the biggest economic policy blunders since then-chancellor of the exchequer Winston Churchill forced the UK back on the gold standard in 1925. Same old misguided « sound finance » stuff.
The prophets of fake scarcitywww.euractiv.com As finance ministers meet in Brussels to finalise a deal on the EU's fiscal rules, Europe's only hope is that they stop listening to the prophets of fake scarcity and allow more flexibility for invest...
Decarbonisation by dispossession is green colonialism! A very though provoking lecture by Hamza Hamouchene: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcwL.... Also check out his edited volume "Dismantling Green Colonialism Energy and Climate Justice in the Arab Region": www.plutobooks.com/978074534921...
De ombudsman van Trouw herinnerde drie redacteuren eraan dat ze, ook al zijn het citaten, geen dingen moeten opschrijven die niet kloppen. Met schaapachtige reacties tot gevolg: www.trouw.nl/opinie/laat-...
Laat de PVV’er niet wegkomen met onwaarhedenwww.trouw.nl De krant laat goed zien hoe de verkiezingsoverwinnaar haar achterban overtuigt met zogenaamde ‘feiten’. Maar begrijpt iedere lezer dat?
Econoom Coen Teulings brak maandag een lans voor het neoliberalisme van de jaren tachtig in het FD. Vandaag een repliek van Bram Mellink en ondergetekende. Coen Teulings zit vast in de jaren tachtig en begrijpt niet zo goed hoe het neoliberalisme werkt.
Lower rates for renewables. Clearly makes sense, yet Macron is the only head of state calling for it. "As I speak, the private sector benefits from the same interest rates whether it finances renewables, gas or coal. This is totally absurd," said Macron. www.lemonde.fr/en/environme...
Macron lists France's priorities for tackling climate change at COP28www.lemonde.fr France has launched an initiative to end private financing of new coal-fired power plants and signed a declaration to triple nuclear capacity by 2050.
64 percent of Germans are against scrapping the constitutional debt brake, per SPIEGEL poll
What a cover. Translation: "The demolition expert. Cutting budgets ("Saving") until it explodes: Is Christian Lindner destroying the government and our country?"
For example, ECB defined climate imperatives as part of its price stability objective but raising interest rates is detrimental to the transition as it hurts clean energy producers more than fossil fuels (Hi @jvtk.bsky.social & @westervangaal.bsky.social) bsky.app/profile/jvtk...